bs38 carburetorscarburetors

  1. paulson_shawn

    BS38 needle setting

    I overhauled the top end on my 78 Special and now I'm having trouble tuning in the carbs. Has anyone ever had to drop their BS38 needles all the way to the top notch. Its breaking up in the low to mid transistion. Carbs were working ok with the wore out cam chain and carboned up ports with 142.5...
  2. D

    spring height

    I have two sets of BS38 mikuni from 1976-1977 era. I have managed to make a good set from the two. I ran across a difference in the diaphragm spring height. The one i have been running is the 4 5/8. The other two measure 4 3/4. This doesn't appear in my SM. I think the 4 5/8 was a standard for...
  3. slapfrog

    Ima gunna throw these carbs out the window!

    I've been having the hardest time getting these carbs jetted and adjusted right. They are 1979 BS38's Symptoms: Falls flat when throttle is cracked open at idle, spits and sputters when driving around and throttle is cracked open, runs good and pretty torque when riding with choke on, but...