Y'all into NASCAR?

I can't stand watching cars go in circles for hours! And that's saying alot as I worked for a cup team for 3 years... My boss bought me a nascar for dummies books so I would know the difference between tracks!
Can't get into NA$CAR. Looks like Skittles rolling around inside a bowl. Gimme road racing of any sort any day. Now, if the NA$CAR brass would sit down, watch a weekend's worth of Aussie V8 Supercars and take away a few lessons, they'd have my attention.
Honestly, if they started racing stock cars again I would be their number one fan, even if most of the races were still ovals. Identical tube chassis and body work with different stickers just doesn't do it for me. Not to mention it would force the manufactures to build some cars that weren't shit if they wanted to field something to race. Only Dodge would have a prayer at the moment with the Charger. Fusion? Don't think so. Camry? Don't make me laugh...

We need homologation back! :(

~ Derek