Another kickstart problem


XS650 Addict
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Dubuque Ia
I've reread the kick start how to many times now, and im to the point with my kick start that im just going to trash the engine and buy a new one. I've called numerous motorcycle shops in town and they wont give me a quote on the price, im just getting really frustrated cause i had a lot of plans on my engine but i couldn't go through with it cause i had to fix my jeep, and ive tried to install the kick start but each time just problems, ive got it so the kick start recoils and comes up, but it just wont turn the engine over, if i put a socket on the crank or alternator it will turn over fine, but i just can get the kick starter to kick over, but when i push the kick starter down and turn the engine over at the same time, the kick start goes down? im just out of ideas. Ive gone through everything i can think of and it just doesn't want to work, everything else works as far as i know, the gears all change correct, i followed the clymer manual as followed when taking it apart and putting it back together, the only thing i didn't take out was the things under the gears on the lower crank case half (cant think of the name). Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.:D
The kick starter gears turn the clutch gear. If your clutch adjustment is way out of whack, it will slip when you kick it instead of turning the engine over.

Also, some folks aren't aware that you DO NOT hold the clutch lever in while kicking, for the same reason.

You probably already know this, but just in case...
i dont have the clutch lever on it right now, but it doesn't slip either it's as stiff as a board. ill try and get a video of it tomorrow on here
its an 81, i dont know if id have to have all the wiring and the key turned over would i? from what i know it should still go down even if its off
Check the clutch adjustment under the little chrome button on the left engine side cover to make sure it's not way out of adjustment. If your clutch is slipping the kickstarter won't turn the motor over as downeaster said. It doesn't matter if the clutch lever is on or off if the main adjustment is way out of whack. Plenty of info on the site on properly adjusting the clutch.
thanks guys, i just decided to take it to a local small time guy who would wrk on it, i tried and tried but alas i failed, ill just buy another engine someday and fix that one all by myself, the kickstart was hopefully the only thing wrong or that wasnt working
Dude you shoulda held off. You would have got it here with some help. It does sound like clutch related or how you had the kicker together. Takes a bit of patience but you can get it.
If you can't fix this one, what makes you think you could fix the next one you buy, lol. Your 1st mistake was probably using that Clymer. Follow the instructions in the factory manual, I think they're best.
well theres always next time, i still intend to build another bike. this is what i have going on now, it can only get better 422123_2996246021967_1136703026_32978219_1679194401_n.jpg
The Clymer is ok on some things, the kick start install could be better, as you install the kick shaft as described turn the shaft counterclockwise until it slips into the recess.
This properly preloads the return spring and gets the shaft in properly. Once you get it installed it should work fine.
no the clutch cover is on when i was kicking it, but i did pretension it like on the tech part of the forum, but quick question, theres another sliding gear kind of like the kickstart under the clutch basket i was wondering if that would have anything to do with it? because i was pretty stupid as to forget to put it in, when i went over to look at my engine today
btw factory manual, do you guys get them off of ebay or can you order them straight from the dealer if their still made that is
dont worry about that other sliding gear. its the infamous fourth starter gear that is jinxed from the factory. if you are kick only, leave it alone. its got nothing to do with the kicker, and everything wrong with the starter.
if your thinking take it out to save weight, dont. i think you have to split the cases to get the rod it slides on.
The download is ok, but the pics are kinda crappy. Copies often come out poor.
Getting an actual book of Ebay has great pics. They cost more but I think they are worth it.
I have a 70-74 Factory book, a 74 -77, the 78 book, the suppliments for the 78 SE, the 79 SF and 2F, 80 G and SG.
My Clymer covers 70-82, I plan on getting the Later suppliments and a Haynes book too.
Just so I have them for reference, you can't have too many.
thanks guys for the help, i will use this book on my next build, and i def. need to upload the photos of how im doing so far, except for the engine.