Anyone seen these pipes?

The pipes are Awesome! Hey the website is really cool, we are still working on it. It takes alot of time running a business and making your own website. Thanks for the complements . We look forward to your business!
The pipes are Awesome! Hey the website is really cool, we are still working on it. It takes alot of time running a business and making your own website. Thanks for the complements . We look forward to your business!

good luck in your venture.

Could not read the descriptions and cost next to the pics of the bikes without straining. To small
I for one as a consumer like to have choices when buying products, its good for the consumer and the economy. Although I'm in the same business as you I am a motorcycle enthusiast first and a businessman second :thumbsup: I think it's great so many small business are supporting the XS, it assures the survival of these great bikes :bike: Good luck with your venture and welcome to the board. Scott