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Just final update and a big thank you to all who contribute information to this forum and help a novice out in times of need. Finished the final wiring at 5am this morning. The "Old Girl" now has a almost complete new homemade harness and a real ignition switch. Carbs rebuilt, new fluids, valves and timing checked, new battery, and it will fire on the second kick everytime. I had a short completely illegal spin on it this morning and being 6'4'' I closely resembled the "Monkey doing the football" thing but the bike runs great. A good final cleaning and a couple of minor adjustments and it will be up for sale in the next couple of weeks and hopefully I will make a buck or two, but who knows. The real joy comes from bringing one back from the dead.

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Hi Britman,
kudos for the resurrection.
While a running bike will sell way easier and for more money than the same bike that only has "potential"
I don't see you getting more than minimum wage out of the deal for the hours you put into it.
But like you say, the profit is dubious and likely minimal, the joy is in the doing.