Can an experienced Tig Welder give me a review of this Tig

I'm ready to switch over to a Tig. I will only be using it for light projects, nothing commercial or industrial. My budget is limited. I also have no access to a 220 outlet because I rent a garage with only a 110. So whats your opinion on the tig in the link? Thank You

note it is a scratch start tig and the tig part is added 80 bucks 160+80+shipping
a few more bucks more you can get an eastwood tig with h/f starting it's on sale all the time for,599 with free shipping
The welder you are looking at is a 90amp 20% duty cycle machine. Worthless My opinion. Not familiar with the eastwood but it is a 200 amp and can use 115 or 220 v. This should be your best choice out of the two.
After more research I've decided against it. I've learned that duty cycle is based on 10 minute increments. So a 20% duty cycle means I can use the welder for two minutes and it needs to cool for 8. I've also read that I need 1 amp per .001". So that Eastwood is looking pretty good