Carb Issue I think?


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
Phoenix AZ
Hey All,

My friend is having a ton of issues trying to get his xs to run right. We think it is a carb issue. Here is what we checked so far.

- Timing is good
- adjusted valves
- checked cam chain tension
- replaced in line fuel filters

His carbs are round slides VM 34's. Currently he has the following jets in it.

20 pilot
195 Main

We have went all the way down to 165 main jet and a 12.5 pilot jet. And it ge3t easier to start and idle but then its worse once you start revving. It gives off a pushing sound once you start to give it gas.

Please watch the video and let me know if you have any suggestions.

I'm not writing this stuff over and over again one piece at a time. Go to , and read the VM section of the XS650 Garage Carb Guide. To prevent nattering on a reference-only thread, registration and sign-in to the site is required for access; authorized persons can write, others can only read.
There is a lot more to tuning the VM carbs than just the jets.
As Grizld1 said, read the carb guide.
I never really thought it could of been an electrical problem. I suppose that would be a good thing to check considering it was a banshee swap. I would just test the voltage at the battery correct? It should be around 14-15 volts right?

And we have read the carb guide and made many adjustments according to that. We checked the float level. Adjusted the air fuel screw and messed with the jets like I said.

Ill see if we can get the bike running and then test the voltage and report back.
It's always the best to do the free things first. Testing things checking things. Going through all the connections in the electrical systems takes time, isn't much fun but well worth the effort.
Get the mechanical and electrical right, then if that don't fix it then go into the carbs. When you do go into the carbs this is mandatory. For the VM carbs