Engine off the frame


XS650 Addict
Reaction score
Kingston, RI
I'm into the third week of teardown and want to remove the engine from the frame. It's only myself working on the bike and don't have anyone else to help me with the weight. My question is what's the easiest way for me to remove the engine without killing myself? I'm the original owner (1977) so I'm not as strong as I used to be. I guess I can rig a pulley system to the overhead garage beams but don't know if I can just strong arm it out of there. For that matter, what's the thing weigh?

While I'm at it, the welding on the frame looks like it was done by a one-handed monkey, for a restoration, should I try to clean up the welds by grinding and smoothing? I plan on powder coating the frame.
The engine weighs about 165 lbs. There are several ways to get it out. Up in the tech section there is a thread about homemade tools several are for engine removal. Read up.
If you are still in shape and your back is decent and if the frame is up at waist height it can be done by one's self but you need a waist high place to set it down ready beforehand. Not that I have been caught standing there holding an engine say'n bad words. Easiest without special lifts is a nest of carpet or cardboard, roll the frame and engine on the right side then lift the frame off the engine.
Hint; remove the oil from the engine first!
If you are still in shape and your back is decent and if the frame is up at waist height it can be done by one's self but you need a waist high place to set it down ready beforehand. Not that I have been caught standing there holding an engine say'n bad words. Easiest without special lifts is a nest of carpet or cardboard, roll the frame and engine on the right side then lift the frame off the engine.
Hint; remove the oil from the engine first!

I was going to say the same thing. Roll the engine and frame onto the right side, remove the engine mount bolts and lift the frame right off. Did it by myself. Surprisingly, I could actually pick up the engine by myself once I had it out so I am surprised to hear that it weighs 165 pounds.
i have chronic back pain, and as long as someone keeps the bike from falling over, I can get it myself, but for a couple days, I wish i had not. Not a bedridden pain, just more pain.
There's a $45 chain hoist at HF I've been looking at. You can move the engine up and down in very small increments just by pulling up and down on one of the chains. Only issue has been how to attach it. There's a video here somewhere of a guy who put the hoist between 2 ladders on a post that allowed it to move side to side as he removed the engine himself.

I know if I were strong I'd just lift it myself, but I'm not, and I don't want to ruin my back. Also, now that I'm about ready to put in the new engine I just restored, I don't want my greasy finger prints all over it.
The two-ladder engine setup vid was done by I Am Carbon. I don't know which thread it's from, but I saw it on YouTube. I've had a crushed disk since I was a teenager, so I was quite interested in his setup. I don't have a chain hoist, but I have a cable "come-along" that would work.

Edit: I hope he doesn't mind me posting a link, but I found it by searching for "XS650 Engine Removal." Most of the video is disconnecting the motor, and the actual hoisting operation starts at 19:31.
