Hot Cylinder Legend


XS650 New Member
Reaction score
Eastern WA
Hi all, I have owned a xs650 for about 10 years now and have made some mods to it. (Check Dick's Bobber Pic's) I read a lot of discussion posts on this bike and have run into a statement that seems to excepted at face value, and never questioned. I found it today on this site while looking for carb tuning info. Here it is: Click on TECH at the top of the page. As Travis stated, the right side (cylinder) does run hotter naturaly.... Does everyone believe this and if so, why?

Thank You for hosting all this Vernon

If you have any further questions Trav , Gary , Dick (grizld1) or I can elaborate but it pretty much sums it up . Being a single digit midget (first time poster) I dragged the information over here from the 'cafe because even if the information is here (actually archived in 'rider I believe) you need all the sources of information you can get .
As far as Believing it goes it's fact . It's been proven independently many times over . (even in my alcoholic 750's) . The infrared guns are cheap now verify it yourself . Does everyone believe it ? No , some still fly in the face of established empirical data and profess their anecdotal experience as fact without supporting evidence .

Most of us greybeards were on 'rider and are at the garage and elsewhere . There is a learning curve to the XS but it isn't steep and many have gone before you so the path isn't as difficult as you may think . When the embedded search engine fails you turn to google as in < moron > in the search bar will get it done here or any other related site .

R.I.P. John and thanks for all the fiche .
