oil pump and tach


XS650 New Member
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Guys, while taking off my right side cover then dismantling my oil pump and tach drive, I found a tiny metal ball laying on my floor. I cannot find it in any diagram. it is not the ball that belongs with the middle of the clutch assembly. Does anybody have an idea??
what size it the ball? the clutch balls are 5/16". If you didn't pull out the mushroom shaped pusher out of the middle of the clutch, it didn't come out of the clutch.
The ball on top is from middle of clutch assembly. Ball on bottom is what I cant figure out. Not sure the exact size. Its possible the smaller ball does not belong at all but it seems weird that during dis-assembly of the engine, this ball appears on my garage floor.


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There is a small detent ball on your kick start lever that locks it in or out but that usually doesn't fall out. That's all I can think of other than to say it isn't from the bike, or at least not from under that right cover.
Do you run BS 34 carbs on your bike? Choke detent ball maybe?
One guess would be a steering bearing ball had lodged somewhere and it freed up during your disassembly. I have those things show up on my shop floor on a regular basis (one yesterday). I always start to worry about where they are from then shrug and say steering bearings. There are tiny ball bearings in the choke rod detents on BS34's....
for a few days, I had random balls show up on my floor. couldn't figure out were they were coming from. I sat down on my craftman roller stool and almost fell into my bike. The bearings were from one of the wheels of the stool coming apart!lolol
Just spit-Balling here, but on Page 75 of the Clymer Manual, Part #9, it is a Ball that goes down into the pump cover along with a release spring, gasket and pan head screw.

My 1976 Oil Pump does not have these particular parts and I don't know the year of your 650, but I assume this diagram is for an earlier 650 like a XS1 and/or XS2.
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