Photochop request...

Thanks Travis, I will definitely look into this. The reason I would rather go with powder coating is for price purposes. I know it will cost me about half the price by having it powder coated instead of sprayed. The previous owner had the parts powder coated silver and honestly if he hadn't have told me that I wouldn't have known (it looks just as clean as if someone had sprayed it). The person I'm planning on taking the parts to has powder coated a friends bicycle in the past and it came out very smooth and consistent. My main concern for powder coating at this point is trying to get a close enough color match.
KevC and others, Thanks...

I'm no graphics guru... I actually used an old version of Paint Shop Pro, even though I have the latest Photoshop CS4 on my computer. I'm just more familiar with Paint Shop Pro because I've been using it for like 10 years..

I basically just zoomed way in, used a point-to-point selector tool to select just the sidecover and tank. Then I went into some color hue settings thing where there are a bunch of sliders that you move to convert certain hues of colors to other hues. It actually turned out better than I thought it would in no time at all! I think I just got lucky!