Small milling machines

Well since we are the topic of machining. We have a LeBlonde in my new shop space..however we are not yet organized or powered to run it. I get a frantic call the other day from my business partner who (good thing it's his) tried to lift it himself (with a car jack) onto a rolling frame he welded up....he used 2x4's to support it...they broke, the thing fell right on its face and snapped every single dial and handle on it.....we have yet to assess the full damage done to it.....but it might be up on CL pretty quick here in hopes of just salvaging it for what its worth and just buying a new one.....this thing is ancient....but when it comes to manual machining it seems ancient outperforms modern all day long. (imho)

There now everyone point and laugh! haha
I'm not laughing......I'm interested. Send me some pics of the machine and the damage. Since we're all in MN this might be doable!


I'll see if I can snap some photos. It's my buddies lathe so of course it'll be up to him what happens to it, but it WAS a great little machine lol.