
What tires, other than the TT100 look good on a bike this age ?

Hi Roy,
for the classic 1970s look use Avon's Speedmaster/Safety Mileage pair or their more affordable lookalikes.
I generally use Bridgestone Spitfires as they work well, are locally available and within my price range.
All in the stock sizes, of course.
Get tires that work good. Looks are secondary.
I have been done on occasion, A cool looking bike is ok but regrowing skin is NOT.
mine are due some new shoes too... was looking at Avon Roadriders, as not TOOOOO dear but also good for crappy british weather and look half decent . however, with spoked wheels (1977 XSD) i thought i needed tubed tires, however the ones i currently have are def marked tubeless... any ideas?