What have you done to your XS today?

We all know what is going on here
Sometimes a Free Motor is Just a Lump
Bought a 73 TX parts bike and a couple of 447 motors were included, both tight.
I got this one sorta freed and stuck it in a roller so it was handier to work on.
Pistons went up and down but cam did not turn. Pulled the drains and saw big chunks.
Oh well. Wasn't really expecting much and I got that.
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Survivor up on the Lift
This one has been tucked away in a corner for almost 9 years. This spring before my move, I got all my parts for it in one spot and then spent the summer moving house packing and unpacking and getting my shop ready.
A bit scuffy original paint will stay, will have to finish my lick and a promise top end rebuild from April, change the wiring harness and see what comes of it.
View attachment 203177
Survivor up on the Lift
This one has been tucked away in a corner for almost 9 years. This spring before my move, I got all my parts for it in one spot and then spent the summer moving house packing and unpacking and getting my shop ready.
A bit scuffy original paint will stay, will have to finish my lick and a promise top end rebuild from April, change the wiring harness and see what comes of it.

Looks like a nice bike!
Buzzy took me to work today as it was his turn. I git a call requiring me to go to the next county. Another guy asked if I wanted to ride with him since it was over an hour away. I asked why would I. He said well, you're on a 40 year old bike and this is the opposite direction of your house, and it cold. I simply said it ain't cold.
When, I got to the parking garage my whole was brought up a few notches when I saw the motorcycle parking sign. Life is good!

And Buzzy rode great all the way there and back home...
Buzzy took me to work today as it was his turn. I git a call requiring me to go to the next county. Another guy asked if I wanted to ride with him since it was over an hour away. I asked why would I. He said well, you're on a 40 year old bike and this is the opposite direction of your house, and it cold. I simply said it ain't cold.
When, I got to the parking garage my whole was brought up a few notches when I saw the motorcycle parking sign. Life is good!View attachment 203342
And Buzzy rode great all the way there and back home...

You are an inspiration Boog! :thumbsup:
I had a chance to get to the bikes today for an hour and a half, wiping down and inspecting after the early morning rains. About 2 p. m. the breeze picked up from the west and blew in a torrential downpour. I wouldn't call it a vain effort to detail and check over the bikes in the interim, but twice in the same day may be futile. Probably again tomorrow.
From the size of that spot, looks like you've got a pretty good leak going on there. You might want to track that down. It's pretty common for the countershaft sprocket nut to loosen up and if it does, it leaks oil like crazy.
Yeah it does, It's the result of an old school clutch cable lube job, my son showing up to take me to breakfast and forgetting to put the drain pan under it.
New drain plug crush washers should fix that. They never got replaced when they should have been. You can normally get several changes (re-tightenings) out of them but eventually they get squashed flat and need to be replaced. Consider them one of the little back-up parts you should keep a supply of on the shelf, along with sump plate gaskets. I change out the two little gaskets on the side oil filter when I get one of these bikes but after that, they pretty much last indefinitely. But still, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to keep some back-ups for them on hand as well.