What's in your tool bag?

It is. It's been a work in progress. He has to build the cover for the electronics box, then strip it down and send it off to paint. Pearl Blue with some pewter pin striping. I'll post pics when it's done. Heres what it looked like just after I bought it..on E Bay...from here...before I had even laid a hand on it.

Nice. Classic chopper.
You asked for suggestions. Get rid of the those pods, consider a 2 in 2 instead of the collected exhaust. If you want attention getters, Gordan Scott makes nice noise makers and he rides an XS(or 2) so development of the pipes had the XS in mind.
I just finished reading a book about Afghanistan called "Blood Makes the Grass Grow Green", by Johnny Rico. Real name but legally changed to it. Fascinating and occasionally amusing book.
I've not heard of it...after three years here, my enthusiasm for trying to teach these folks has waned...the only people more apathetic about bringing these folks out of the 7th century right now than am I ... are the Afghans. They tolerate us for the money...period. Ah well.

Weekendrider, the exhaust is the thing that perplexes me. Sometimes I like it, and sometimes I want to change it. I will look into the pipes from Gordon Scott.