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    • B
      bazz replied to the thread Brake bleeding.
      Probably not But for the sake of a couple of minutes work I always do it 👍
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      bazz replied to the thread Brake bleeding.
      These are stamped out So should really be annealed before use
    • B
      bazz replied to the thread Brake bleeding.
      The other thing to add is when you anneal your new or used copper washers Do it just before you plan to use them Not days or weeks...
    • B
      bazz replied to the thread The Norda.
      The early Manx Norton's had an adjustable head steady turn buckle to adjust the rake very slightly Riders were said to "know" if the...
    • B
      bazz replied to the thread The Norda.
      Part of the problem is people not using JIS screwdrivers
    • B
      bazz replied to the thread Brake bleeding.
      Try annealing your washers even if brand new because they are stamped out of sheet
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      bazz replied to the thread Brake bleeding.
      I've done this many times It really does work well,it's also worth doing even if you're brake has bled properly If that doesn't work...
    • B
      bazz replied to the thread The Norda.
      Just a couple of things to note if you run without a cush drive it's a bit like being kicked up the arse every time you select first...
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      Best ones I have ever used were the Bosch own brand
    • B
      I've been wiring my chop for a while and today I got everything working Not finished but working Most of it is held together with...
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