WV Sparky
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    • WV Sparky
      WV Sparky replied to the thread 78 xs650 knock.
      Funny you should say that, I was almost sure that’s what it was. It never even crossed my mind that the nut could’ve been loose...
    • WV Sparky
      WV Sparky replied to the thread 78 xs650 knock.
      I appreciate that, learned everything I know from you guys!
    • WV Sparky
      WV Sparky replied to the thread 78 xs650 knock.
      Thursday evening I went to start trouble shooting the bike starting with valves and timing chain, took the PMA cover off to roll the...
    • WV Sparky
      WV Sparky replied to the thread 78 xs650 knock.
      Here’s the video, posted on YouTube
    • WV Sparky
      WV Sparky posted the thread 78 xs650 knock in The Garage.
      Hey fellas, my xs developed a strange knock this week when riding home from work. I first noticed it when at a stop light letting out of...
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