My Random Photos


Smells of Raw Fuel
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Western Maryland
I like to take a lot of random photos with my phone. Some are just to document things I see and have proof when I tell the crazy story.
Here is one of what I found at the local grocery store, under the shelves. I had bent down to stretch my back when a pile of cans caught my eye. They are all cans of tuna and salmon. Obviously they had fallen and been pushed under the shelf. I pulled one out and it was a little old to say the least. I did report it to the manager and she was very appreciative. I then started to keep my eye out and found several more shelves missing the bottom panel which, if installed, is there to prevent this.
Cans under shelf.jpg

I have found REALLY old open packs of baloney in odd places .....looked hard as a rock.

Can you tell I am from the South?? (baloney) Kev.
One time I was stocking shelves in a supermarket and we were supposed to staighten up a shelf with candy on it, like 1-lb. bags of candy corn and such crammed back in there. Got a little ways into it and one or more bags was exploded from maggots and they were everywhere. Supervisor moved us someplace else and said he'd take care of it...
My wife and I play a game at the store to see who can spot the strangest item and where it is. It's quite common to find items people have put down, but a cup of soup in the freezer? lol.
My wife found a half eaten container of cocktail shrimp in the bread eisle. On the top shelf. It had been there for several days I'm sure.
I placed a gallon of orange juice with the liquid laundry detergents in your honor tonight.
My youngest brother, while living in Florida, would go to stores during pre-eminent-hurricane shopping and drop miscellaneous items into peoples carts while they weren't watching, just to add to the melee.
And here is another. I took this tonite on the way home. It's a restaurant that just closed and, apparently, someone decided to change the menu. Spelling must be a chore around here or something. There is another "E", lol.
fake bitchs.jpg