Scratching my head so bad I'm gonna start bleeding soon Won't stay running

points, timing and normal plugs should cure the black plug problem ( if they get black again then listen to gggGary ! )
make sure it's running on both cylinders not just one ...carefully feel the exhaust pipes are they both hot ?
more than likely the passage ways for the pilot jets are plugged or restricted and perhaps the choke as well,.... slapping your hand over the carb mouth with it running may suck out the crap enough for it to run better
tell us what it is doing we can't help with things like it won't start.... we need to know what what won't start....and what it does or doesn't do and what you do or did
don't be vague or ambigious....we can't help unless we know some things and the more percise your explination the less likely we will send you off on some wild goose chase to parts unknown
so anyway Welcome to the forum !
and I ask does it run on both cylinders ? do you know what that means ? if you don't know.... ask.... there is no shame in that !
points, timing and normal plugs should cure the black plug problem ( if they get black again then listen to gggGary ! )
make sure it's running on both cylinders not just one ...carefully feel the exhaust pipes are they both hot ?
more than likely the passage ways for the pilot jets are plugged or restricted and perhaps the choke as well,.... slapping your hand over the carb mouth with it running may suck out the crap enough for it to run better
tell us what it is doing we can't help with things like it won't start.... we need to know what what won't start....and what it does or doesn't do and what you do or did
don't be vague or ambigious....we can't help unless we know some things and the more percise your explination the less likely we will send you off on some wild goose chase to parts unknown
so anyway Welcome to the forum !
and I ask does it run on both cylinders ? do you know what that means ? if you don't know.... ask.... there is no shame in that !
Whats upbob yea I'm following gggGary's advice seems like he knows his stuff. Next up is get new spark plugs try those lower number ones out. Adjusting the cam chain tensioner helped a bunch it was way off so when I fixed that there was way less misfiring. And yesiirr she puring in both cylinders. I appreciate the openness of the forum and the acceptance of inexperience. Helps to really feel comforatable and to know i have a place with random people that i dont even know but share a common interest would help me out feels great. Its amazing thanks to everyone for welcoming me I'll be sure to ask questions,experiment and to learn with all you folks ( and of course to help other people out as much as i can) cheers :cheers:
Cheers to you, Noidea ! :cheers:

I found a LH '83 Heritage Special, and it has a Special place in my collection.

Heritage.1983 002flip.jpg
YamadudeXS650C, I think you may just have put that tank emblem on the wrong side for the photo. Also, the left hand versions have the spark plug cap reading NGK upside down on the left. I wish I could get hold of one but they are discontinued!!
Ah ! the spark plug cap is a model variable, too.....

For me, the final drive being on right-hand side sets up a slight, advantageous tweak to the steering geometry, under load in 2nd and 3rd gear.
Noidea: I didn't mean to imply gggGary doesn't know his head from a hole in the ground ! by any means ! he's one of the brightest guys here !
he's helped me many times and I consider him a friend, I'm sorry you got that impression !
but I am concerned that if you put in hotter sparkplugs and run that bike hard you could burn a hole in the piston !
you said yourself you were new to bikes ..... a Plug color check is vital to do before you run the bike hard..... the plugs should be dark tan to choclet brown..... not white...... if there white its running way to hot and you could dammage the engine beyond repair !
gggGary and the rest of these guys know the bike far better than I do listen to them they won't stear you wrong.... i might but I try not to ! LOL
I know you've probably hurd it before but it bares repeating, an engine needs Spark compression and fuel all in the right amount and right order to run
it sounds like your on your way to getting that thing going great ! Good job ....Keep it up !
yamahadude .....I dunno how you did that but you did a good job of it ! LOL
...i bet you leave funny looking tracks in the sand with your shoes like that !!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
too funny ! LOL
HAHAH:laughing:good one yamahadude clever. na bob your good lol i knew you were not saying that gggGary doesnt know his stuff, my fault i knew that seemed like it was delivered wrong the way said it but i sent it anyway my bad.
Noidea : Good deal I was worried ...I like these raskels HAHAHAH ! I am not the best "people person " in the world 'cuz I usually say what I'm thinking
that has been known to get me into trouble on ocasion ! LOL.....but I do Know Cows !!!! HAHAHAHAH!
yah Don't be afraid of the bike...even if you wind up dumping it ain't the bikes fault ! but Respect it ! its powerfull and it can Kill you in a hart beat
at 60mph to a sudden stop your toast ! and 30mph into a car will definately ruen your day..... Drive defenceivly ! and watchout for dirt and gravle on the road..... Don't hit ANYTHING..... if you see a can or bottle on the road dodge it don't hit it the bike can and will buck you off like a mean o'l Bronc !
I hit a cardboard box one time on a step through honda 50cc doing about 40mph..... it dang near tossed me and the bike off the road ! some one had put a brick in it and I hit that brick with the front tire ! .... luckilly i was standing on the pegs at the time, that's the only thing that saved me from a dirt nap !.... HAHAHAHA ! man that was umpteen years ago when I first started highschool softmore year.... lol my how time flies !
anyway...ofcourse you know not to drink and drive right .... but did you know that 98% of all motorcycle fatailities are from drinking and driving ?
that's darn near 100% buddy .... don't even think about it ! drink later ! or park it !
ok thats my advice for the day..... and don't forget to tie your shoes ! LOL get boots ya ninny ! ya need armor on a bike !!!! LOL
poke,poke !
Soo guys I figured i should probably start doing other maintenance checks while i wait for jets for the carbs to arrive (also is straight electrical tape ok for a temporary fix in small rips of the diaphragms for the carb?) so i adjusted valves again to make sure timing tension chain made sure that was good then wen to the contact breaker or points whateveryou want to call it and automatically saw that the bolts to adjust this part were all super stripped -_-
guess that could've been a big reason for the misfiring i was having.
I don't want to waste peoples times so if you guys just want to direct me to a thread relating to putting back the contact breakers if you've seen it before just let me know this is probably a pain to look through. Ive been searching havent really found exactly what im thinking thats why I figured i ask.

Before touching anything I checked the clearance between the points and they seemed way off way to big of clearance. (This is where the questions begin) Do the points have the largest gap when they're at top dead center or do you simply have to eye it to see when they open most? When i was doing it it seemed like at tdc was the most open they were. So after about an hour of trying to remove the screws which i successfully did. The assembly is basically free balling tomorrow I'm gonna go to hardware store get some new screws but how should i assemble this thing again just stick it on and tighten it up then adjust in top dead center?
<-- hanging loose
Also got some other questions
<--Do i need to replace these brushes does it matter? Do I just screw the assembly in and adjust it is it that simple? (Unrelated to the pointssytem ->Does every bolt need washers?) Eventually when the bikes all good and running iIl switch up to all upgraded ignition /charging system parts (pma pamco points etc..) but for now trying to learn this stuff and get used to the bike. Sorry for all confusion in format i got going on here just asking still loooking shit up so im not so lost. Thanks for checking up


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OK first off there is a explination of how to set your points and timing here on the site.... I don't know how to Link it to ya so it's easy so I'll just say it's under Forums, Garadge, technical refrence..... scroll down to electrical and select the points, timing one.
Those wipers look ok to me, just widen the crimp a bit with a screw driver and move the felt down 1/8" and then re-crimp it and oil it good!
Remember when your doing this that it is a 2 cylinder engine and the timing has to be exact on each cylinder, once you set the one then you need to set the other.......without moving the first one...... that is expalined in the thread ...pull the timing cover on the left side lower side plate and you will see the timing marks. There is F and TD on the stater,....for top dead center the cam's turn at a reduced gearing as compaired to the crankshaft 2:1 i believe so if you go way past your mark just turn the engine through with a wrench ( pull the plugs it's allot easier) The F is where your points should Just open at..... (thats before top dead center, not after)
You can use a VTOM (meter) or a 12 v trouble lite that works good.... connect to the wire for the points and when the voltage drops to zero or the light goes out the points just opened.... once you set the points on the backing plate to their proper distance you shouldn't have to touch them again even if the timing is way off...because it's the backing plate that adjusts the timeing OF the points....
I am sure you'll figure this out it's very logical,..... you just have to figure out how the parts work together, and you'll have it !
hope that helped .....
HELLLllllllLlLLllll YEEAAAAA i got er fixed up thanks guys for all the help and pointers got it running today great, adjusted the timing I guess thats what the problem was with it still gotta buy those spark plugs other than that its fucking good to go cheers dudes
:cheers: :heart:
LOL Yah that would be a good idea !..... I've been running the back roads here without liscnses on the bike but it's only a matter of time till I'm caught
so I gott'a go get it changed over and liscnsed.... not cheap to do here in California ! the only saving grace is that it's an older machine .... a new one cost over $300 bucks to get liscnsed !!!!!! and that is just frigging WRONG !!!!!! but that's the DMV for ya' !
I've had my motorcycle endorsement for decades and keep it renewed when I go in .... even though the driving test is simple.....
practice your figure 8's get it down from steering lock to steering lock ( yes that tight!) and you should have no problems read up good on your written part and you should have it with no problem !!!! it's not that hard !
have a good one ..... glad you got her running !