Battery is being overcharged..

By way of background, I have been working like a mad fool on a big consulting job for about 2 weeks and have got well over 130 hours logged on it now (do the math - I have hardly slept)....but I'm not whining....I'm just tired and trying to catch up.

When I logged on a few minutes ago, I discovered that I had received a PM from a long-time forum member (longer time than me at least) who is a very knowledgeable person and a good buddy. He asked me what I thought about this thread - and he wondered if it might have been started by '77 as a hoax to get people riled up.

I replied that I simply had not looked at it, but that I would this evening. Having glanced over it for about 10 minutes, all I can say is....holy cow!!! I have not read this whole thing in detail - and may never because it all seems pretty pointless.

I do not want to further annoy anyone, but I would like to suggest that we all just....take a step back - and then another one.....and forget it.

There is a HUGE amount of expertise on this forum - so much in fact that several hundred (or is it maybe several thousands???) of people can keep 43-to-nearly 50 year old obsolete, out-of-production motorcycles running (and often even looking) like they were new - and have a great time doing it. Many wonderful friendships have been made on this forum, many hilarious conversations have been had and a heck of a lot of learning has gone on that is beyond value.

If the OP has made a bunch of unwise / unfortunate moves over the years with his bike, that is sad and hopefully, he will sort it out.

If he started this whole thing as piece of provocation - then he is a complete @sshole and he should be shot and p!ssed on (as I am sure Skull would say...;)). I have no patience with people like that - and hope that their next vacation is an arctic excursion cruise using a small iceberg as their boat - with a hungry polar bear for a companion.

As for the motivation of the OP - I DO NOT know which is the correct answer and I DO NOT care at this point.

What I do know is that normally nice, happy helpful people are being rude and unkind to each other - and I will say, in all sincerity, that is rather sad. There is enough of that sort of behaviour in the world these days, let's, please, not have any here.

If you have offended someone - put your big-boy pants on, send them a PM and apologise and if you feel that you have been offended, with all due respect, I would suggest that you cool down and not take yourself so seriously.

Anyhow, I really hope this thread simply stops.

Now, I have to finish this f@cking report - so I will bid you all adieu and hopefully, we can start the Yamaha XS650 dialogue again tomorrow on a more positive tone.



BTW - I got Lucille's seat back from the seat repair guy this evening - and MAN, it looks nice! It is not as pretty as DanielBlack's Stella seat, but it really does look great, the tears are gone and tomorrow, I am bolting it back on and then Lucille and I are goin' for a ride - NOT enduro style! :bike:
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You go Pete!
IMG_4650.JPG THAT is funny!!!

I laughed right out loud Bob! Where the heck do you get this stuff?