Mr Fix It

Some counties are VERY helpful.

Just today my daughter bought a new computer desk only to discover her fancy/expensive leather chair was too low for it. Easy fix ..... I turned down some wood, cut into 2" lengths and drilled holes down the center. Placed these between the seat and the raise/lower mechanism with longer bolts and the chair is 2" higher. I have just been informed that the chair is now perfect.

For my good work I have been allowed to buy an angle plate so I can do basic milling on my baby lathe - That's Karma!
Shhhhhh ! be quiet about that or they will outlaw Cremation and everyone will be forced to pay $8000.00 for a box and 12 sqr ft of ground!
Hi Bob,
carefully read your organ donor card.
It should have an extra check-off box that'll donate your body to science.
Presumably it's for med students to practice on.
Sure saves on funeral expenses.

... watching for a deal on cremations...
Been lookin' for the DIY kits...

You guys made me snort out loud - again!
I changed out a toilet paper roll...
Hi 2Many,
I can do that AND install the roll the right way round, too.
BUT, if we'd thought to start installing the roll the wrong way round perhaps I wouldn't have needed to
move our main bathroom toilet roll holder from it's normal easy-to-reach-when-sitting position to up level with the towel rail.
A task that involved a power drill, new wallplugs, and a patch'n'paint over the existing screw holes.
Which brings us back to post#1.
The holder got moved so the cat couldn't reach it to use the toilet roll for a treadmill.