Steering Damper

Are you looking for the stock unit on the early models or an aftermarket unit?
yellowdog's XS2 has a stock unit. A big knob on the top of the upper tree, a shaft down through the stem with a clutch plate type set up linked to the frame.
The Knob on top tightens the clutch plate set up to add friction to the fork movement.
any model, just to give me some ideas.

Hi Leslie,
how much money you got?
These are Canadian prices:-
$400+ WER rotary hydraulic steering damper. They don't make a kit for an XS650 so there's fitting work to do.
~$100 Linear hydraulic damper. I think Heiden Tuning would have one that'd fit.
Mebbe $40 in used parts. Scrounge one from a '72 that had a friction disc damper as a stock item.
But why do you want one?
Solo headshake? First, check the headraces for condition and tension.
Sidecar headshake? Ditto + do the headraces up tighter.
If you still have the stock crowded ball headraces swap them out for tapered roller bearings.
I've seen a couple pics of the frame-to-forkleg plunger style in here somewhere. Might try a 'damper' or 'dampner' or 'fork' search, limited to the last two years...