tach cable stuck


XS650 Addict
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I've tried to remove the tachometer cable from the RH cover, but it will not come off. Completely stuck. As I understand it, one should just pull it out. Shouldn't be a problem.

I've read some threads on the issue, and it seems that it can be stuck sometimes, especially after long time use, and that one have to pull it a bit hard. I've also sprayed some CRC 5-56 to loosen upp dirt, etc. But it's stuck.

Any more tips? I don't want to pull harder and maybe destroy the whole thing. Can the cable end be locked somehow, even though it shouldn't?

It is a square peg in a square hole and does become rust welded if ignored.
If you are just pulling on the cable sheath you might try undoing it at the tach and grabbing the end of the cable with pliers to work it back and forth. Pushing it in and pulling out.
"unscrew the threaded cap, and the cable will come right out"

This thing I already know and have done. But even though I pull a bit hard it will not come out.

I've been doing this on other bikes, and generally it's just to take out the cable end after unmounting the threaded cap.

If no one else comes up with another explanation, I'll have to try by pulling and twisting harder. Which I don't like....
Don't forget the set screw.
i was riding mine, and all of a sudden, part #1 broke below the case edge. now I cant get it out, and dont know if taking the clutch cover off will make it easier to get out.
yes, maybe it's been rust "welded". The cable seems to have been replaced once, but if it's the original cable, it could explained the it's now stuck. 35 years of use....

I will keep on spraying solvent spray and wiggling it. Hopefully it finally will come loose...

Thanks for input

angus67, i think that you can just push it out from the inside. Don't forget to unmount no. 5 bolt though. I will have a look tonight, since I have my RH cover off at the moment.
Yes, you should be able to push it out from the inside. Either you remove the part #7 first or maybe you can use it to carefully drive the #1 part out.

Haven't tested it, since I don't like change things that works great already. ...
thanks weekendrider, it worked. :)

Now I don't have to have the RH case hanging in the cable when having the cover off.