What is the trick to reinstalling kickstand spring?

I think I have the same problem. It doesn't seem like it gets very tight, like it wants to come down too easy...

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It's not easy. I'll try to describe what I did.
First, you have it all bolted up excect for the spring.
Use a heavey flat head screw driver. Hook the spring around the nub at near the kick stand bolt. Put the tip of the screw driver in the little notch on the kick stand. Hook the other end of the spring that's suppose to go into the notch around the screwdriver shaft near the handle. Use the screw driver like a lever and pull outward. The spring hook end will slid down the shaft of the screwdriver toward the notch on the kick stand. When it's all the way down pop the screw driver out and the hook of the spring will catch the notch. It may take a few trys.
I use a screwdriver....use a flathead small enough to fit through the eye of the spring. Put the spring on the kickstand side first, the use the screwdriver to pry off the spring retaining nub on the frame. The spring should slide off the screwdriver over and on to the frame side nub once you pry it and get tension on it.

EDIT: HA Grepper you beat me to it! ^
Twist the spring and put coins in the openings. On first use, the coins will fall out. Done.
I'm going to try the pennies between the twists as Lassenc suggested. Saw it done on a youtube video. it lengthens the spring for easy install and removal.
The T-handled spring pulling tool Mike's sells make installation a breeze. I think HF sells one too.
Their is a video circulating somewhere about this if I remember. I think maybe it is one of Carbons excellent how-to videos. I am urging him to give us a lower end video if he ever needs to do one. That is a video I would like to see as someone would remove all the hardware on the sides of the engine such as shifting mechanism etc. and give some pointers on reassembly as they do it.
For both the side stand and center stand springs I use the following; hook one end of the spring over the lift plate on a floor (alligator) jack. Hook the other end under the front axle of same. A couple small pumps will stretch the spring pretty good. Put washers between the spring coils to hold it open. Release jack tension and put spring in position on bike. Pliers will pull the washers and there you go.

hook the spring on the bottom post, with a vice grip attached to the top hook. Put a screwdriver through the vice grip and against the engine and lever the top hook onto the upper post. You can do it on the center stand with the sidestand in the up position so the spring doesn't have to stretch as far.
In the old days in the shop, where time was money, and we were in better physical shape, if the sidestand was off, would hook both spring ends to their place, and muscle/lever the sidestand into position, then while in the up position, pull it backwards to install the pivot bolt.

I can't do that anymore, old weakling, now use the screwdriver/visegrip technique...

I use a piece of nylon cord. Hook one end of spring, slip the cord through the other end of spring. Pull the cord to stretch the spring. When pulled enough move the cord so as to guide the spring over where it goes.
I just grabbed mine and pulled it over the stud by hand. Done it with the bike on the center stand and the kick stand in the up position. It's a shorter pull that way.
Way easier than the rear brake springs on my truck. Those suck deluxe! I have one of those spring stretcher tools that came with my son's trampoline. I've used it a time or two aside from the trampoline.
I have used bailing wire or safety wire to pull springs over the stand mounts. It seems more controlled than a screwdriver to me. I would also wear a face shield because if the spring somehow hit a tooth or an eye it could easily cause damage and you can't react fast enough to prevent..