Hugh's HandBuilt - Shop news and updates

You know even if you got flood insurance you need four lawyers to explain what the paper says. Half of the people here in NJ that Sandy got now know what a piece of shit that paper is. My wife's best friends son had a $219,000 home that all they offered was $67,000 for it with flood insurance and now his township wants him to pay for the house to be demolished. SUCKS!!! His basement caved in and that's not part of your flood insurance. As long as no damage to bikes or equipment and it was a overhead pipe that's the owners problem you only rent right. Most shops only have to carry liability insurance. I never carried flood at any of my shops.
Hugh I would invest in a inflatable raft and hang it on the wall for the next time.
Your the man and I know this will be fine.


  • th_smpicBernie.jpg
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This sucks alright.

I needed a PM regulator for another bike I have. I talked to Hugh and he sent me the regulator he carries. The order process was easy and went off without a hitch. Support the little guy. Cottage industry is the best.

My brother left for a 2 week vacation. When he returned his house smelled musty and there was a hissing in the basement. A hose on the washer had popped off the fitting and his basement was full of standing water. All his good wood working tools were gone plus the house was a restored 1920's bungalow. Warp city. Bummer! {:^(

I now have a lever ball valve on my water line (easy on-off) and we shut off the house water when we leave for a day or longer.
