I don't like it.

I am also old and can be grouchy, but I like this fresh site. How can you fault black print on a white background? The look is very similar to what was, the changeover seems to have been seamless, so I am all for it. Thank you Travis, for putting in the work to keep it up to date.
Travis you use to able to just post on Carbs. electrical etc.. how do we select just one of those.
Categories in The Garage were done using the tagging system. They're still there, I just don't have the shortcuts created yet.

Search for and see the most common tags here: www.xs650.com/tags

Here is electrical for example: www.xs650.com/tags/electrical/

You can still tag your threads with those keywords. I still haven't decided if we'll use tags or sub-forums here.
...You can still tag your threads with those keywords. I still haven't decided if we'll use tags or sub-forums here.

Excellent question. I like the idea of sub-forums. However, threads can morph from one topic to another, so the ability to add/modify its tags is handy...
Just found pics are now super easy, you can drag and drop them from an open explorer window into your post, done! Worth the price of admission right there. Curmudgeons unite! The earth is flat damn it!

I forgot about that. Great feature indeed! Very large photos take a couple of seconds because the server has to resize them, but it works well.
Moderator: Have PM's been replaced by "conversations"? and are conversations read by anyone or only the person addressed?
Yes PMs are called conversations. They are private. Only the people who are part of the conversation can see them.

Some people are sending messages to others by posting on their profile. That is public... like posting on a friend's facebook page.

Conversations are threaded, just like a normal thread. You can do everything you can in normal threads like post links and add attachments. Think of them as private threads.

The old PMs were single messages. The old PM that were imported may seem a little weird because they import as individual conversations, but going forward it will make much more sense.

I'll start a conversation with you two so you can see how it works.
I'm perfectly OK with the change and appreciate all the work it takes to keep this site up.
Thanks Guys!
I was missing the sub-headings in the Garage, but I see that's addressed with the tags.
Great stuff, though; I like the new layout quite a lot.