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Little kids are to grow up with no fear and injoy there little life. What happened in Conn. is in NO WAY understandable. Is there why or how. I know some of you may not agree with me but there are things that i hold high above many other things and i am not the perfect person in no way but baby's and that is what they were ..NEVERNEVER should this have happened. Now this is where you may or not agree.... This guy took the chicken way out but people like this need to be put in the town square and killed like the low life scum they are. We need vigalanties in this world to correct the wrong. It happens in jail all the time if you go in as a child molester or any child act you have a bounty on your head and some do see justace for a couple packs of cigs. There is just to many GUNS in the wrong hands. I can get a street gun faster than i can get a legal one. NO guns should not go away ITS COMING and you will need the guns someday. May be not in my life time but it just showed its ugly head with sandy . The scum came out to loot the homes in NY and got shot at. Maybe i want the old days back that you could fall asleep outside your home and still have a wallet in the morning or leave your car and front doors open.
THIS WAS defenceless children and the shooter was a child NEVER NEVER should have happened.
RIP little people follow the light and enjoy .
Sorry guys this pissed me off!!!
This is way off topic for a motorcycle forum, but it needs to be said. My prayers and thoughts go out to those in Newtown Conn. who were killed or lost their children or loved ones. It's another sad day for America.

Stop killing our children !!
Amen. Terrible tragedy. The same sort of thing happened the day before in China but a knife was used. I think more attention needs to be payed to mental health in this country rather than gun control. I think many people with mental health issues end up locked up in jail rather than a facility that can help them.