Mrs. Downeaster did it again - "You enjoy modeling so much, why don't you spend a little money and ..."


Everything in XS
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Downeast Maine
"get one of those prefab sheds and have a place just for your models?"

Initially, that seemed like an excellent idea and one I should jump on before she changed her mind. The existing space is roughly 10x14 wall-to-wall, but there are benches and shelves and desks and such on all four walls so the actual usable space for the diorama is much smaller. I can barely move around a 4x5 area.

Well, by the time I priced a shed that would provide significantly more room, added in insulation, electricity, heat and light it came to enough money to realize THAT wasn't going to fly. She'd have let me spend the money, but I'd have to go outdoors to get to it and pay to keep it heated in the Winter.

Therefore, Plan B: Clean out a small pickup load of crap that should have been thrown away years ago, move some stuff around, tear out the old reloading bench that I no longer use and make the best use of the existing space.


Before ^^^




The original diorama was built in stages and the "base" was whatever I had laying around at the time. I built a new one-piece table to put everything on and take advantage of the extra space gained to add onto it. The new 5x6 table will be rotated anti-clockwise 90° and placed more-or-less in the center of the room as soon as one or another of my offspring show up to help lift it.
Therefore, Plan B: Clean out a small pickup load of crap that should have been thrown away years ago, move some stuff around, tear out the old reloading bench that I no longer use and make the best use of the existing space.
Now, you’re talking! I’m moving in that direction myself. Every useless piece of junk that leaves the premises makes me feel just a little bit better. It also feels good to gain space for the things I’m actively enjoying.


Started populating the new real estate. The "hill area" is about 80% complete, just need one more tree kit (two wasn't quite enough) and do the epoxy "water" in the pond.

Still mulling over what to do with the flat areas.
It's looking good !! I wish I could magnify it cause
The devils in the details
Now it's really looking good !
A steady hand a a good set of glasses must help
Now it's really looking good !
A steady hand a a good set of glasses must help
Those reeds and cattails took most of a morning.

The brown cattail stalks are individual straws from a hand (whisk) broom. The reeds are bits of jute twine, unraveled and dyed with green food coloring. Poke a hole in the base with an old jeweler's screwdriver, dab a bit of glue in it and insert the straws or twine with a pair of tweezers.

I was a tad cross-eyed when I got done...

The beaver dam is ends cut from the smallest twigs I could find in the back yard, covered with more bits of broom straw.

Finished pond, with dam, beaver lodge, beaver and a turtle sunning itself on the rock at lower right.


With the 3D printer fixed, I was able to print some seriously tiny critters. The fox is up in a corner of the woods waiting on dinner to wander by.


Bambi and her Mom dining on apples in the orchard.


Dad watching from the woods.