Damn Insurance Companies rule the world!


Hardly a Guru
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Surprise Az
I developed a late in life (45) onset of asthma. Probably from the decade I was a welder when I was in my twenties. It progressed until about ten years ago it was really affecting the quality of my life. I was having major respiratory infections several times a year and burning through rescue inhalers. I had a good doctor , who got on top of it and started me on a medication that was nothing short of life changing for me. Symbicort.
I just had an annual physical and my doctor asked me if I have had any asthma related incidents in the last year and for the first time in a decade I was able to say NOPE, not a one!
I just received notice from my health insurance company ( Think of the biggest most profitable company you can) and they informed me that my life changing medication will no longer be covered! This medication is stupid expensive without insurance and there is no direct replacement for it. My doctor will have to try and figure out some work around for it.
Dirty communist rat bastards!
Sorry, just needed to vent. Carry on.
Well that’s interesting. You know when I was delivering mail, I delivered A LOT of meds from India. Worth remembering. Thanks 2M
I just received notice from my health insurance company ( Think of the biggest most profitable company you can) and they informed me that my life changing medication will no longer be covered! This medication is stupid expensive without insurance and there is no direct replacement for it. My doctor will have to try and figure out some work around for it.
Dirty communist rat bastards!
Sorry, just needed to vent. Carry on.
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Hi Mailman,
no, you got that wrong.
The communists would give you the meds for free except that it wouldn't be currently available.
Your insurers are filthy Fascist rat bastards.
And is there no rope in Az.? Are there no lamp posts?
If you look around the world, many countries have universal health care, and that includes Canada. Of those countries, they all also have universal drug care, except for Canada. In Canada some people have drug plan coverage from their employer, and those that don't can pay monthly to a private insurance plan. Of course some have neither.

A universal drug care program has been talked about politically for many years, but it still has not happened. I think Canada may "soon" get an essential drug plan, in which perhaps 100 or so most needed drugs would be made available under a government plan. That could be the first step towards a full universal drug care plan.

Unfortunately in the USA, the home of capitalism and profit for share holders, universal health care or universal drug care is just not going to happen. Of course your senators and congressmen, are all wealthy and get the very best health and drug care, so they think the existing system is just fine. In fact they all own stock in the drug companies.

My wife and I are very fortunate that we are covered for prescription drugs, under my employer provided drug plan. When my wife had cancer, our plan paid for thousands of dollars of drugs.
You and I are on the same page. I have been a proponent of universal health care for decades now. Every system has its flaws but I've always thought the Canadian model was pretty exemplary. I was not aware of how your drug coverage works. I hope they can get your essential drug plan up and running soon. It's shameful that in a country such as ours, some of us have no healthcare at all, or their healthcare is so expensive with such high deductibles that it is virtually useless. Many of us go South of the border into Mexico to get dental care, or glasses, or prescription medicine. What's wrong with that picture? I myself am currently looking into online prescription services provided by a Canadian company. I retired from the Federal Government after nearly 32 years and I have to think about getting needed medication through a Canadian company, buying drugs made in India? I told my wife, this is only going to get worse. Sadly you are right, corporate profit, stock dividends, and CEO bonuses drive everything, and the drug companies are some of the most powerful political lobbyists in our nation.
Sorry for the rant.
^ I remember some talk about AZ. I think I remember you have two providers left there. Does the other one not pay for your medicine either? That would pretty much mean that nobody in AZ can have it. Also seem to remember AZ was held up as an example of skyrocketed costs/
^ I remember some talk about AZ. I think I remember you have two providers left there. Does the other one not pay for your medicine either? That would pretty much mean that nobody in AZ can have it. Also seem to remember AZ was held up as an example of skyrocketed costs/

You're right, but I'm not in one of the plans that's involved with the ACA. I have been insured by Blue Cross Blue Shield for years and I had the option to continue my membership into retirement, it just costs me more per month.
I have always carried that insurance because it is widely accepted and has always been considered a premiere insurance company. However little by little, they and all the others reduce their coverage and up their costs.
Health insurance really is the one variable that scares so many retirees. Its unpredictable and something that most of us can't be without.
Zetia colesterol med is about 950.00 for 90 days in the US. I get generic form canada for 61.00 for 100 days. Look around, you may be able to find an option. Its illegal to get drugs from Canada but the feds have said they only worry about importing controlled meds so you won"t have any trouble.
canadadrugpharmacy.com is who I deal with.
I have a hard time understanding the whole mess.
We have a single payer system for the V.A.
We have single payer for Medicare/Medicaid.
It isn't like we have no experience with a single payer system.
On the other hand if healthcare was changed there would hundreds of thousands unemployed.
A friend had some treatment for his mother denied by her insurance. They went through an appeal process & got it covered.

Check to see if your insurance has an appeal process. Its far cheaper for them to pay for Symbicort than a few emergency room visits. There a good chance they will change their mind once they understand the details of your case.
Mailman Quote;
"Damn insurance companies rule the world"..............................no, only in the USA is that true!

OK I'm going to break some rules here......................I just can't hold back any longer. If I get banned, then it was worth it, because some things just need to be said. The american people deserve a lot better health and drug care than they now have.
Bernie Sanders is about the only american politician that has a heart, and he is a hero to me.

America....................wake up and look around the world at how developed countries treat their citizens. They don't fear going bankrupt and losing their homes when they get cancer or have a heart attack.
On a per capita basis, the USA spends twice as much on health care and drug care as Canada does, and yet Canadians are healthier and have a longer life span.

When I was younger, I use to look at the USA as an example of a great country.....................not anymore! The american government is screwing the the middle class. Your senators and congressmen have been bought by the large health and drug companies. Your representatives in Washington have become filthy rich as have the executives of the health and drug companies. Your government is in a downward spiral, and it must be embarrassing to the average american when they watch the nightly news.

Americans....................you have the right to bear arms, but you don't have the right to health care. Tragic!

OK......................ban me, I'm ready.
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