HD cancels, out of fear.


XS650 Guru
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Scaredy HD whipped by SJWs. Yamaha XS650 now supreme!
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Perhaps someone could expand on the alphabet wars to give us ordinary folks a clue about WTF the OP is talking about?
What is reality? Who screwed the pooch? Methinks Nehemiah Scudder and his globalist followers of Moloch lost this one, and the cabal took over without a shot fired! Now if the muppet puppets in their vagina suits and bandana masks would just simmer down a bit.........Harley? If its true, there are Indian bikes being sold American, for those so inclined to put their money where their heart is.
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There's a new sheriff in town, with new policies, unhidden agendas. Mainstream media will not be running this country for at least four years, but they will have a hand in dividing this country.
Hi Scott,
thing is, of all the terrorists who've so far been caught entering the USA there ain't a single one from any of the countries on the new Sherriff's shit list.
What the ban will do is keep out some elderly hijab-wearing ladies who want to visit Disneyland with their US-born grandchildren.
What it won't to is keep out terrorists.
They all arrive first class dressed in western clothing with impeccable documentation.