Jim's TOTALLY awesome paint booth!


Beyond the edge is the unknown. Here be Dragons
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Kansas City Mo.
EDIT: Due to the need for a booth to paint in, this thread kinda' went off the rails. gggGary graciously agreed to move it to the lounge and rename it to more correctly show it's NOT about painting tins. As soon as the "awesome booth" :rolleyes: is finished, I'll put in a link to the thread about painting.

If you've been following my SG resto thread you know that I've just finished painting my tank and covers.
To say I was surprised by the response is an understatement. I had no idea so many of you wanted to do your own quality paint job.

So here we are. This thread will be "Tank painting 101" ... or "Painting for dummies." :rolleyes:
Here's our donor tins....


The tank still has the original Yamaha purple on it. So, an 80something(?) special. There's a little rust on the inside, but overall not too bad. Also a right special side cover. I need to hunt up a left. Anybody out there have one? Bueller?
So... what I'm going to do is go through step by step on how (I) do a quality paint job. De-rusting the inside, strip, bodywork, painting and cut and finish for that better than new shine. Comments and pointers on better ways to do things welcome.

Here's the twist, when these tins are done, they're going up for sale here in the classifieds. It's too cold here today to get started... for the next couple days actually.

There's gonna be another twist along the way...;) Stay tuned.
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Ken, you’re like Felix the Cat with your bottomless bag of parts.

Maybe more of a Pack Rat than a cat. Back when I first had my 1981 XS650 I lost a side cover and asked the local independent shop I got the bike from if he had any spares. He had three or four mismatched one and made me a offer I could not refuse so I took them all. Then like the rat-bike guy I can be I hardly ever bothered to keep a set on the ride-to-work-bike!:umm:
That's a project OHR!! gonna be a cool one after it is done. Would be nice to get a thumper someday.
When it's done? For a second I thought someone snuck into my barn and took a picture of my 1982 until I noticed it was a thumper! Well to be honest my `82 does have signals and a seat and even sidecovers!
Hey guys, I wanted to give a big shout out to Jim.
I just got back a set of side covers that he painted for me , and I am really stoked to have them. They look great!
Fast return and well packed, despite my Postal brothers best effort to crush the box.

He had them so well packed, that crunch never touched them. ( No he didn’t send the emblems )


I couldn’t be happier with them! They’re gonna look great on my ‘77D. Thank you Jim!
Glad you like 'em Bob. :D
Apologies to those watching this thread. It's Springtime and I have a ton of non-bike related stuff to do. I haven't forgot this thread.... we'll get back to it.... soon I hope.
A Slight Detour. :rolleyes:
Riding/gardening/swimming/outdoor stuff... season is winding down and it's time to start thinking 'bout the winter projects. Got the speed twin started, there's the DT-250 Cafe project... and I still have another XS hulk to turn into sumpin'.... maybe a steampunk bike... who knows.
I'm gonna get back to the tins soon enough, but the paint booth problem persists... as in where to paint? If you followed my SG resto thread, you'll recall I rigged up a paint booth underneath my sun room.

first booth.jpg

old booth 2.jpg

It's the space under the sun room that somebody started turning into a screened in porch and never finished long before I bought the house. It served it's purpose well, but plastic stapled to the studs isn't really a long term solution if I'm gonna paint on a regular basis. Besides... it's always been a friggin' ugly assed eyesore. Doing sumpin' with it has been on the to-do list forever.
So.... it's gonna become a permanent paint booth. Let's get started...
On the East side, the ground slopes down to it... every hard rain brings dirt (clay actually) down and into it. It's a constant battle. So first up is a barrier... a raised foundation. This has to be done in sections lest the sun room crash down around my ears.


While the concrete cures up, I started framing in the West side.




Stay tuned...
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