Video Thread

Okay prepare to see something You have never seen before. "most likely"
one killer thrust to weight ratio, one amazing pilot, one amazing jet aircraft = great show :rock:
Nice Thunderbolt documentary. I met a jug driver long ago. He described the precision approach procedure utilized by the P-47. Basically, you threw out a brick and followed it in...
That sounds about right.
the first time I saw one coming in for a landing I thought he was coming by for a gear inspection to make sure they were down, instead of going around he landed.
You could just see that plane was landing much faster than the other aircraft was that day.
I luv the nickname JUG the pilots sure loved them come home full of holes 9 of the 18 banks shot out and the engine still running. and some of the thickest armor behind the seat too.

this is a good video about a aircraft that I never heard of, probably most people have never heard of. and that just might be a good thing.
Hitler's Stealth Fighter
excellent triumph video!

Here is the A4 Skyhawk.
I spent many many hours twisting wrenches under the hood of my A4s
My A4s were powdered by J52. can't hardly believe I still remember that

Sometimes you find a story that makes your day, a real honest to goodness, put a big fat ole smile on your face story. Well this one is better than that!
This is about a cowboy and his dog, David Hartwig and Skidboot