You rode today? Where?

This topic sucks. I can't even work in the garage. If I pull things into the house I freeze my fingertips and the part frosts up. Ride? Bah!

The only thing I have to cling to is some perverse need to advertise how cold it is, thus claiming some pitiful glory from the depths of my misery. That is sick. I denounce myself for living in the tundra. I did it to myself.
It was -35 F two days ago, and we made it all the way up to a glorious high of 4 degrees F today. Go on with your tales of rides to the beach, regale me with sunsets and casual street corner chats - I have at best 2 months before I can even think of it.

It's all relative. I'm in the so called Sunny South, but it's 40F and not ridable. Typically, the thaw arrives across the entire US at about the same time, so we will both be riding at about the same time. Ride. Enjoy. life is simple.
Left about 10:30 am Pacific time 65 degrees. Rode to the Rock Store above Malibu Canyon just off California 101 freeway. Usually parking lot full of exotic bikes and cars but I found out that occurs on Sunday. I did see aYamaha fz-09
tripple and took a picture of a Honda cb1100.

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We finally got some heat (55F) enough to ride today with overcast skies. Just a short trip down the road to the next town for small cheeseburger and back, but it was good to get on the road.
Cranked up the SG and rode to the gas station. About 8 blocks away. Rode back. Waited for a family thing to end so I could go for my ride. Dang it! Fuel leak!!! Should be a easy fix.....
Pamcopete, If weather were the same here, I would have taken a similar ride ;) great weather great riding.
short sleeve weather here. Yesterday I road over to a good friends home. shot the bull for a couple hours. then I road home.
This morning I went to doughnut shop:thumbsup:
Living the life there Carbon :bike: I dig that, have a doughnut for me will ya :thumbsup:

Inly rode in my dream at night time ;)
I rode the 81 downhill from the 10 degree shed to the 50 degree "heated" garage. I made some vrrm vrrm noises as it rolled. Later last night it made it's own vrrm vrrm noise, first time in more than 15 years it did that.
I rode the 81 downhill from the 10 degree shed to the 50 degree "heated" garage. I made some vrrm vrrm noises as it rolled. Later last night it made it's own vrrm vrrm noise, first time in more than 15 years it did that.

that's cool Gary Did you say you bought it for $600?
or you listed it in craigslist for $600?
imagination is a good thing :bike:

I rode the 81 downhill from the 10 degree shed to the 50 degree "heated" garage. I made some vrrm vrrm noises as it rolled. Later last night it made it's own vrrm vrrm noise, first time in more than 15 years it did that.
dang would have bought it from you for my NeXT project. Its mentally good for me Building bikes, so need my NeXT fix ;)