In the learning stage
Anyone have info on a 11-68 xs650? It seems like a complete bike but can't find part info for anything under 1970.
I'm curious about this production run info. I have XS1 SN 1558 and the sticker on the neck indicates a manufacturer date of 2/70. That would suggest that it took Yamaha 5 months to produce the first 1500 or so bikes, then they produced the next 5200 bikes in the next 5 months. I guess this means a slow startup? Interesting.Production run:
XS1 engine number S650-000101 manufactured October 1969
XS1 engine number S650-006686 manufactured July 1970
I know this is a 6 year old post, but I have it bookmarked because it contains some great information.
I'm curious about this production run info. I have XS1 SN 1558 and the sticker on the neck indicates a manufacturer date of 2/70. That would suggest that it took Yamaha 5 months to produce the first 1500 or so bikes, then they produced the next 5200 bikes in the next 5 months. I guess this means a slow startup? Interesting.
I know this is a 6 year old post, but I have it bookmarked because it contains some great information.
I'm curious about this production run info. I have XS1 SN 1558 and the sticker on the neck indicates a manufacturer date of 2/70. That would suggest that it took Yamaha 5 months to produce the first 1500 or so bikes, then they produced the next 5200 bikes in the next 5 months. I guess this means a slow startup? Interesting.
And everything changed.......In walks the CB750…
In walks the CB750…
Actually the CB750 came out first.
It was not a statement about the topic either (xs1 production run).It was not a statement as to which came first.