I'm building a catch can for the TX, to be mounted dirlectly under the right side pancake filter. It'll have a pancake filter welded on top, same diameter as the catch can, just topped with a beaten and polished ally top to match the carb filters. Can will be painted gloss black, same as the bike, and mounted using a polished aluminium bracket.
It holds 250ml, that's filled to the top of course, but around 125ml to the bottom of the breather pipe.
I've got most of it done: Two holey baffles tacked inside the 57mm tube, bottom capped and breather inlet exiting under the lower baffle. I stick welded this one, so I didn't have to spend the whole day chasing pin holes from the mig (flux core). I've still got to weld a spigot on the bottom for emptying the oil.
Undecided on the top construction: I'm intending on putting a stainless pot scrubber on top of the top baffle,, but undecided on making it a sealed unit by welding a plate on top over the scrubber, or, welding a ring on top and drilling and tapping some holes in the ring to screw on an aluminium plate that will double as the base of the filter.
So, It'll have two baffles topped with a stainless scrubber baffle and then a foam filter topping the catch can.
Has anyone built one of these before? Is there any point in a removable top? Will welding the top cap on affect (burn) the stainless pot scourer underneath.
It holds 250ml, that's filled to the top of course, but around 125ml to the bottom of the breather pipe.
I've got most of it done: Two holey baffles tacked inside the 57mm tube, bottom capped and breather inlet exiting under the lower baffle. I stick welded this one, so I didn't have to spend the whole day chasing pin holes from the mig (flux core). I've still got to weld a spigot on the bottom for emptying the oil.
Undecided on the top construction: I'm intending on putting a stainless pot scrubber on top of the top baffle,, but undecided on making it a sealed unit by welding a plate on top over the scrubber, or, welding a ring on top and drilling and tapping some holes in the ring to screw on an aluminium plate that will double as the base of the filter.
So, It'll have two baffles topped with a stainless scrubber baffle and then a foam filter topping the catch can.
Has anyone built one of these before? Is there any point in a removable top? Will welding the top cap on affect (burn) the stainless pot scourer underneath.
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