Dealing with stupid drivers?


XS650 Addict
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So today some lady turned left in front of me from the straight lane. (first time this happened to me) so i yelled at her and rode off. she ended up going to the same place i was so i yelled at her again. it didnt seem effective. I know i SHOULD be the bigger person. but im usually not. i cant be with these people. they're the type that just yell randomly when you try to say anything about what they did then keep talking. what works? nothing?
Get used to it. The left turning driver is THE NUMBER ONE KILLER of Us Guys on bikes. If You keep riding it will happen many more times. It doesnt do any good to yell at them. I used to get mad and chase them down. Dont, just EXPECT every car out there to try to turn in front of You. Cover your brakes whenever You face on coming traffis, and expect the worse. Practice collision avoidance and braking. I run My high beam all day on all of My bikes and avoid riding at night. You can wear brightly colored clothing and helmet. It is up to You, the cagers are busy texting, talking, applying make-up and doing their taxes. They dont give a shit about a motorcycle rider.:)
Had a pretty hard crash in 1971 with a left turning cager. I was riding a Sportster. Totalled the car and obviously didn't do any good for my scooter or me. Took me a while to adopt a new philosophy while motoring around in the general public - on a motorcycle or in a vehicle. Rather than expect everyone to comply with traffic laws and manage themselves in a thoughtful and courteous manner, I expect the exact opposite. Now, instead of losing my temper over something I have absolutely no control over, I find gratification and am fulfilled when people meet my expectations. Happens nearly every time I'm out and about! No more confrontations, no more wasting time trying to correct something that is a problem to only one of us, no more elevated blood pressure episodes. Sure, I occasionally stick my tongue out at someone but that's where it ends. That seems to lessen the tension too! When was the last time you saw that? And one more suggestion............when riding a motorcycle I adopt the idea that I'm invisible. Nobody can see me! Ride with that in mind, be vigilant, expect what might be considered the unexpected, prepare for the worst, be aware of your surroundings, practice avoidance procedures, be ready with the brakes and remain as calm as possible..................Wesley
As a rule, I try not to brand or label people, but drivers of the sort you describe wear the monikers "stupid" and "selfish" with frightening fidelity. One thing I have learned about stupid, selfish people is that, if you give them the opportunity, they will almost invariably exceed your wildest expectations. So, cover your clutch and brakes, and adopt a policy of avoidance.

i guess i still have some growing up to do. haha. i feel like im mad at everyone in a car when im riding. i wish i had my own lane. ill learn one day...
Had a woman pull out in front of me today. She was turning left onto the 4 lane street I was on. She got halfway out and blocked my lane before she saw me and stopped. I hit the brakes but the light rain had the road greasy as hell and i just skidded towards her. I was able to get it together and swerve around her just in time. Managed a middle finger in her stupid face. Nice recovery if I do say so myself.

Not that it helps. Her nearly killing me wont change her driving behavior. Always assume that people are delberatly trying to kill you...... even at home.
I've almost been rear ended twice this week.
Once, sitting at a stop light, some lady came squealing to a stop behind me and barely looked up from her the purse she was digging through to mouth "woops" at me. Then, some old geezer would have hit me if I hadn't seen him. I whipped over to the side and he stopped right next to me. I did have some words for him but he couldn't hear me. His wife had to keep telling him what I said.
And then, some cagehole on the highway swerved around a stopped car giving me no warning, and almost came to a stop next to the car that was stopped, cutting off my exit route. I did some serious braking then.
I'm starting to get worked up again thinking about all of the idiots out there, who think they are the only one on the road.
I always expect the worst from other drivers and I am rarely pleasantly surprised.

I believe strongly in situational awareness and paying attention to the threats. I've avoided several serious collisions because I know not to access what I can't egress.

For example - I never put myself in the rear quarter of cars. I don't go between cars when possible, and I assume they will turn into my lane, cut me off, turn in front of me and pull out in front of me - all things they do.

I have only had one accident as an adult on a motorbike and it could not have been avoided. Dude pulled right out in front of me from his stop sign. Never saw me.

When people inevitably do stupid shit, I don't bother getting annoyed. They won't get any better.
When I still had my CBR I wore Carbon fiber knuckled gloves because of all the stupid drivers out there. More than once I had to wrap hard on a door or window for them to even realize I was there. Even broke a window once, but of course that was only after coming to a screeching stop after she ran a red light and slammed on the brakes in the middle of teh intersection stopping right in front of me. I only broke her window because she was that close to the front of my bike.
OK, rant over.
I know a retired state trooper who had a woman pull out to the right in front of him. They both stopped and he went over and gave her the 3rd degree. She was defensive and belligerent. He revealed he was retired from the state police and that he could probably have her declared incompetent to drive if he wanted to.

I had a disturbing realization some time ago. If you automatically went to jail for say ten years when you turned left and killed a motorcyclist, instead of going Scot free "because you didn't see him," left turn accidents would disappear. That means if people were given a choice between going to jail for ten years and killing a random person, they would choose the latter. Disturbing. You and I know "didn't see him" really means I wasn't paying attention to my driving.
I know a retired state trooper who had a woman pull out to the right in front of him. They both stopped and he went over and gave her the 3rd degree. She was defensive and belligerent. He revealed he was retired from the state police and that he could probably have her declared incompetent to drive if he wanted to.

I had a disturbing realization some time ago. If you automatically went to jail for say ten years when you turned left and killed a motorcyclist, instead of going Scot free "because you didn't see him," left turn accidents would disappear. That is because if people were given a choice between going to jail for ten years and killing a random person, they would choose the latter. Disturbing. You and I know "didn't see him" really means I wasn't paying attention to my driving.

How many times I've had hairspray bitch on cellphone cut into my lane when I am driving a jeep cherokee. In the jeep I just aim the huge metal bumper at them (tm). I figure the sound of tearing metal will wake them up.
Last night some kids were racing... flew by me IN THE TURNING LANE so fast I didnt hear or see them coming (I sure as hell felt the air rush by though). I had my wife on the back, and I was moving at 55mph. I drop a gear and caught up to them, came to a stop light, put the bike on the stand, and start running towards them while yelling... I lost it gentlemen. I was gonna kill someone. When they saw the raging 6ft 200lb man flying towards them they took off. I jumped back on the bike, and managed to come to my senses, and decided not to give chase with my wife on the back.

I took the bike home and parked it... I was too angry to ride. I knew that next person doing something remotely stupid near my wife and I while on the bike, was gonna get the residual anger directed towards them. I didn't want that.
People don't think. I've been riding for only a few months and already had a guy take a right on red and almost side swipe me (thank you empty turning lane). The friend I got my bike from gave me one piece of advice. "You are invisible when you ride."

On a semi related note. XSLeo and I had to deal with 45ers in the 55 last night. A whole line of them because no one wanted to pass...