Engine flush


XS650 Enthusiast
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I would like to flush my XS650 engine. Been sitting for a long time. Any suggestions? Thanks!
I read on here a day or so ago that someone recommended Kerosene and diesel?? I don't remember the details, but.might be something to look into
50/50 mix is the norm for the K & D used for flushing. Be sure to run it through a filter before sending it back through the engine.
You can use a fish tank or fountain pump with clear tubing (so you can see its moving) and set it up to run for a few hours if needed.
I have used straight Kero to clean engine parts, smells better than diesel.
I might drain the oil, clean filters, pull the plugs, put in 2 quarts of your chosen cleaner, kick over till my leg gets tired.
Let soak for a bit. Drain the cleaner out. Check filters.
Repeat till the cleaner comes out clean.
If your engine has been properly stored I wouldn't worry about it much.
A lot of bikes that have sat for many years have come back to life with no issues. Just change the oil several time at 50 or 100 mile intervals for the first 500 or so.