I’ve been robbed! 🤬

Which is precisely why my shop has no windows.

About all you can do is make it less attractive to thieves. Well lit, at least somewhat difficult to break into, don't advertise the contents. Unless they know you have something they REALLY want, at least some of them will move on to easier pickings.

As I've said before, most of my neighbors and certainly the sketchy ones, know that lump under my shirt ain't my cell phone.
Not that I advocate violence in the least, but a good field of fire would deter many. I keep this in mind, though I no longer have guns (well, an air rifle maybe). They don't know this. My shop also has no windows, and has steel doors. My hearing remains acute...and the shop's not far from the digs. A dog is a good friend too...
Not that I advocate violence in the least, but a good field of fire would deter many. I keep this in mind, though I no longer have guns (well, an air rifle maybe). They don't know this. My shop also has no windows, and has steel doors. My hearing remains acute...and the shop's not far from the digs. A dog is a good friend too...
I only advocate for violence when I think they deserve it.
Not that I advocate violence in the least, but a good field of fire would deter many. I keep this in mind, though I no longer have guns (well, an air rifle maybe). They don't know this. My shop also has no windows, and has steel doors. My hearing remains acute...and the shop's not far from the digs. A dog is a good friend too...
Robert A. Heinlein once said, "Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and freedoms."

While resorting to violence is obviously not the only (or even the best...) answer, it certainly is effective.