I met a road warrior today.

I've decided to 86 this hellhole as soon as possible. Meet up might have to be sooner rather than later. Hmm doing it soon puts a new spin on it, like you might have to do it rather than think about it ;)
Headed for fla this weekend. Let me know when you are leaving Sunny Montana. I may be headed up to Fargo in early April.
It snowed here today, but we should get more snow tomorrow and Friday. I just love spring.
^I was able to get myself "temporarily" laid off Thurs. Hopefully I can collect some unemployment dole. I'm going to either hang out here for a month if I can get my trailer put somewhere else cheaply or otherwise about this time next week there's a break in the weather predicted where I could abandon my trailer here and hightail it down to Rapid City, SD where it's predicted to be in the 70s. F'in' winter storm going on here at the moment with wind chill like -20. May be a death defying run to SD. Hopefully defying. If I have a month of nothing but waiting on weather then I will write short stories for magazines about my experiences and study for Java language certification test.
In Macon tonight 53 degrees, drove through over 2 inches of rain, hail on the ground deep enough to plow and we had to stop and move trees out of the road to get through. Sure glad we are out of the bad Wisconsin weather for a while.
Saw quite few riders on I77 in West Virginia they were all dealing with fog and rain today.
Where the hell are you that you have to move trees out of the road? Not the interstate, I presume.
mmmm I wonder how he'd fare on British roads with that 16" machette strapped to his bike !:yikes::wtf:

He'd have an ARV armed response vehicle up his jacksie within minutes :D
Back roads lots of back roads. Outside of Mobile tonight, upper 70's today, nice after the rains moved out. Headed back north in a few days.
^ Are you biking it?

Someone brought up the machete, which I didn't notice and which is actually what the thread is about :) I'm carrying one too, 1/8" thick superb Ontario Knife steel, no sheet metal here, which I have used mainly for splitting wood for fires. Someone suggested I carry it visibly, saying no one would mess with me. A guy I met who has ridden bicycles all over the world said the key to security is to be no threat, so go figure. Nobody messes with me at any rate - maybe people watch too much TV.