Just took my new 1981 XS650 out the back country in Austin, TX


XS650 Enthusiast
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Austin, TX
Oh boy, I now know why this bike is such a cult bike. As I was shifting gears she purred like a happy tigress, and took corners and hills with no complaints. The vibration is definitely present, but that's the fun of her. I have never felt a bike with so much soul and so much life other than my parent's RE Bullets. I spent a pretty good dime on her because she is in mint condition, all original, not chopped, but it was by far some of the best money I have ever spent.

Also, how often should I run maintenance and what should I particularily keep a close eye on?
For what you have in it, I'd go over it every 1500 miles, but I have 2 other bikes as well. Mine is something of a keepsake, having been my dad's bike, and it will probably get rigorous attention as well. Cam chain tension, timing, carb sync, oil changes and keeping a good battery in it and paying attention to what the charging system is doing are all things that come to mind. Not exactly cool down around there, so anything that takes more of a beating in the heat needs due diligence.
I never do periodic maintenance, but rather always keep an eye and ear on it and end up working on some part of it pretty frequently. I suggest checking the oil every time you put gas in. Check the nut on the front sprocket for tightness every 1000mi every time you change oil, or sooner. Underneath the sprocket is a cover with about 6 bolts that you should insure the tightness of. Make sure the rear sprocket bolts aren't working out. For valve life, check the clearances every now and then. Take the adjusters out and look for pits and if you see enough replace it with VW Beetle adjusters (non-elephant foot). Listen closely for knocking and take steps to prevent it. Sounds like faint rattling keys.

Where in Austin did you go backroads riding? I used to go up the hill to Emma Long park pretty frequently. Lots of times at night. Went to Sandy Creek and Arkansas Bend a few times. Sandy Creek is the direction all the hot rodders go. Lots of whooptidoos and unexpected sharp turns.
Hey, jonasblack, welcome to OUR world! Plenty of backroads out there made for your XS.

First thing I'd recommend is YOU. Start collecting owners/service/parts manuals. Find websites that support your new ride. Do the maintenance routines by the book, to get your feet on solid ground.

Hook-up with local XS riders, And, most important, post pics...

Some Austin refs:

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I never do periodic maintenance, but rather always keep an eye and ear on it and end up working on some part of it pretty frequently. I suggest checking the oil every time you put gas in. Check the nut on the front sprocket for tightness every 1000mi every time you change oil, or sooner. Underneath the sprocket is a cover with about 6 bolts that you should insure the tightness of. Make sure the rear sprocket bolts aren't working out. For valve life, check the clearances every now and then. Take the adjusters out and look for pits and if you see enough replace it with VW Beetle adjusters (non-elephant foot). Listen closely for knocking and take steps to prevent it. Sounds like faint rattling keys.

Where in Austin did you go backroads riding? I used to go up the hill to Emma Long park pretty frequently. Lots of times at night. Went to Sandy Creek and Arkansas Bend a few times. Sandy Creek is the direction all the hot rodders go. Lots of whooptidoos and unexpected sharp turns.

Im riding in South Austin down by Old Lockhart Rd. I found all kinds of longhorns and bison today!