RIP Robbie Robertson

Been listing to The Band all morning. Never could play them to death like other bands. RIP
Time aged them like a fine wine for me.
Big Pink, along with The Allman Brothers Band (1st LP), Ladies of the Canyon - for the girls, Neil Young's The Loner, Country Joe and the Fish and the Youngbloods were the discs and artists most played on my 2nd adventure away from home for a summer ( first was a dismal failure to where I was down to eating clams out of the surf, yeah, a hungry boy will eat ). Staying with a mixed bag of first year college student hippies in a seaside resort town.....the stories I could tell.
A uniquely American band made up of mostly Canadian members, go figure.
Rest In Peace
I had just watched this video again and I just love the way they could stich all the musicians all together for the video/song
RIP Robbie
What l loved about the movie " The last waltz" is they didn't just make it about themselves. It was a party with so many others and also the diversity of missions, from Neil Diamond, Dr John, Joni Mitchell, and Bob.

One of the greatest rock movies of all time.
Yeah, it's a great movie and a lot of great acts!
I particularly liked the background story of Van Morrison's reluctance to go on stage, then seeing his performance and exit. Somebody once commented that from now on they were going to exit any room the way Van left the stage.......might try that next Holiday.
Robbie was a genius of his time.
A very sad loss to music.
Yet another "day the music died". I am fortunate to have some of his recorded music. The market may get a little crazy for a while just like it did when Jeff Beck passed away.
Great video. Just watched it 3X. Thanks for posting. RIP Robbie.
There a bunch more I think there called songs for a change but theres only 1 Robbie Robertson video