I just completed a rebuild on my xs2 tachometer, successfully I might add. I will be posting a few pictures, and little tidbits of knowledge that I picked up along the way. This does not apply to the xs1 or the xs1-b. They are beasts of a different stripe. This worked well on my crimped together xs2. I have included a pic of a Yamaha special tool kit that has unfortunately been discontinued. I sourced my kit locally (NOS). I will be making these kits available for three easy payments of $29.95 each. The deluxe kit will include silver spoons, because we all know that everything in life goes smoother if you have a silver spoon. The kit includes, a sharp pointy thing, what looks like a sharpened paint can opener which doubles as a bottle opener, (to be used only upon completion), two spoons, a large hose clamp, and a small philips screw driver. The large hose clamp will protect the instrument from damage when prying on the crimped bezel. Included is a pic of bonus parts found rattling around on the inside of the tachometer. The problem with the tachometer was the bottom bushing which wasn't a surprise based on what I've been reading on this website. I'm going to skip the process of getting to the bushing because it's been covered by others a lot better at this than I am. The bushing was easy to remove using the correct size punch (or is that called a drift?). I rummaged around and found several potential donor screws, brass I think. What's the difference between brass and bronze anyway? Using my best, precision machining skills, along with a cordless drill and a Harbour Freight belt sander, I went to work turning out a new bushing. More to follow.
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