Harley riders/forums

Ha, I just went to
y buddy's Auto Parts store to show Him My XS 650, as He is also a mc Guy. Soon as I pulled up on My 79 Street Tracker, a Guy on a H-D pulled up and parked next to Me. I said Hi, and He just looked down His nose at My XS and walked inside. I gaurantee you, I have more miles backing out of My driveway on a bike than He does in His lifetime. If He had a clue what I have in My garage, He would not be so cool.......:laugh:
I will never understand the harley elitist, they are always ones spouting off comments on what other bikes that aren't harley's are pieces of shit. Cannot stand the Harley or nothing attitude. rant.

Wanna feel even less love from HD riders than being on XS650: try a Sportster. They are almost a HDs but have no attitude.

My Sportie.
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As a owner of many different brands over the years, and yes I own and ride a Harley and have 2 1/2 XS's to boot, I just have to say that almost every true "Harley Rider" started on something else and doesn't discriminate against other brands. It's about the ride and freedom, not the sticker on the tank.

My favorite saying is: So many Harley owners-so few bikers...

As far as the 'elitist' word being thrown around here. The biggest dick bags are the 'crotch rocket' crowd IMHO, very rarely when you pass one going the other way on the road do they salute/wave , they look down on ANY motorcycle that doesn't do 100mph in 1st. gear. Where the leather wearing is concerned, yes some Harley riders do wear chaps and such, but I think a Lime-green or worse Chrome skintight leather jumpsuit is far more ridiculous looking for road wear.

As long as you have your knees in the breeze and can't live without it, to me, it doesn't matter what you ride. All this talk sounds to me like the "Rockers and Mods" crap, and we all can do without that shit. I am a biker, and the root of that word is where it starts from, I just happen to love riding my Harley more than any other motorcycle I've ever had,or probably will have.
Looking at buying a sporty sometime in the next few months actually.
Mine's a '96 taxes paid rigid mount, alot lighter and handles better than the rubber mounts, look at years 94-03. A bit faster and a few pounds heavier than the XS650 but just as versatile and as much fun.
awesome man, thanks for the heads up! was thinkin a retro themed/colored modern sporty might be fun, or mini apes, metal flake and a white wall.

Add it to the current list of toys...

1973 r5 350 2 smoke yamaha
74 tx650
2004 ducati 999 monoposto.

sporty 1200?!
My dad used to have a couple harleys when he was younger but i never got to see them. But anyway I tried to tell him about my xs that i had just bought and he even seemed to act like it wasnt a real motorcycle. Hes not even interested in seeing it. Oh well.

Man, after reading all of this i feel like an idiot. not cause i have a harley or anything but because i havent spent a lot of time around motorcycles so i barely know how to work on the ones i have. but im sure the longer i have it, the more problems ill have and have to fix. The funny thing is, Im 24 and I NEVER rode a motorcycle until February of this year, and it was one that i bought. A few months later and with a license I feel a little more confident, but i still dont trust traffic. I even had the MSF instructor ask if i ever thought about being an instructor. ahahahahaha! I can barely instruct myself!
I REALLY dont wanna be one of those guys that has someone ask me about my bike and i say, "I dunno, i just ride it". Im going to learn though. I still like the idea of having cars and bikes that are older than me and being able to keep them on the road...
I have too agree with Ironhead too!
As far as the 'elitist' word being thrown around here. The biggest dick bags are the 'crotch rocket' crowd IMHO, very rarely when you pass one going the other way on the road do they salute/wave , they look down on ANY motorcycle that doesn't do 100mph in 1st. gear. Where the leather wearing is concerned, yes some Harley riders do wear chaps and such, but I think a Lime-green or worse Chrome skintight leather jumpsuit is far more ridiculous looking for road wear.
Jawknee, youve got one of the best bikes on the road & at least half the fun in biking is being able to swing spanners around it :thumbsup:
I don't know about chrome skin tight jump suits, but Lime Green riding gear (helmets included) is worn so you, we, all riders WILL BE SEEN BY CAGE DRIVERS. How you look has nothing to do with it. What is the first thing out of a Cagers mouth while the motorcyclist is laying on the ground. "I NEVER SAW HIM". Lime green is about safety. Nearly 40 years ago the company I worked for did extensive research to determine what colors or combination of colors did the human eye see first. Lime green was the winner. Safety orange and yellow were second. So wise up, it's not about how you "look". It's about "them" seeing you....
Agree about lime green safety vests but not fancy dayglo leathers, the sportbike riders over here buy the gear to match the colour of their bike or race hero..a coloured leather suit of a rider crouched behind a fairing isnt going to be seen by a driver ,hopefully the headlight will be ..
When it comes to trendy things, here in the states we're usually 2 or 3 years behind the rest of the world. Dayglo leathers may be here, but if they are, they're not yet that popular. The issues here usually revolve around being seen. Example, Harley riders (now including nearly all riders of Cruiser style bikes) insist on riding with only a dew rag on their head (usually dark color) or if they do wear a helmet it has to be flat black. Black leathers and/or other dark color clothes, black boots etc you get the picture.
Here in the central part of the country sport bike riders always wave. Occasionally BMW riders will wave, Harley riders never wave period.
I agree, I wave at everyone including bicycles, scooters, Beemers and Harleys, kids in car windows. About the only time I don't give a wave is when traffic is thick and safety is the issue.
I agree, I wave at everyone including bicycles, scooters, Beemers and Harleys, kids in car windows. About the only time I don't give a wave is when traffic is thick and safety is the issue.

same here. Like I won't not downshift just so I can wave.
I think I heard it all today.
Every year we have to get a new neighborhood window sticker for the gate guard. So I walk into the office and there is a new woman working at the desk. We talk for a moment and she asks what kind of bike I have and says she rides as well. I tell here I have a Yamaha and ask what she has. "Oh, it's some little red motorcycle." "I don't know much about it." "I just ride it around".:eek:

Um.....ah....hhmmmm. I was stumped.
Here in the Southland, everybody does the wave! We even wave at mopeds. And bicycles!

Slightly off topic maybe - well, maybe not - but this tickled me, because I used to race bicycles on the road and track on the USAC amateur mid-Atlantic circuit. One day, a bunch of guys from my squad and several others, in full team kits, were headed out into western Howard County for some base miles. As we rode west on Rt. 99 in a massive rotating paceline - we were on a flat and really cooking, maybe close to 40 mph - a huge echelon of motorcycles was coming in the opposite direction... every kind of road bike you can imagine. I had been pulling up front for a moment and as I rolled off and dropped to the tail to fall in... every damned left hand in both groups went out and down, and stayed that way until we were clear of each other. That was pretty cool. :)

So, yeah... ain't what you ride... it's that you do.

I don't know about chrome skin tight jump suits, but Lime Green riding gear (helmets included) is worn so you, we, all riders WILL BE SEEN BY CAGE DRIVERS. How you look has nothing to do with it. What is the first thing out of a Cagers mouth while the motorcyclist is laying on the ground. "I NEVER SAW HIM". Lime green is about safety. Nearly 40 years ago the company I worked for did extensive research to determine what colors or combination of colors did the human eye see first. Lime green was the winner. Safety orange and yellow were second. So wise up, it's not about how you "look". It's about "them" seeing you....

Lime green is about KAWASAKI not safety when it comes to what I was speaking about!
And the last time I checked they make vests with reflectors that are 'safety orange' for just that purpose.

You can wear all the brightly colored jumpsuits you want, if you drive like a retard it isn't gonna help you one bit. The safest way to ride is check the nut that links the handlebars to the seat, if it's loose you die. My remarks were not about the color of the attire but the people wearing them being MORE of an 'elitist boys club' now than Harley riders.

I apologize if you took it the wrong way. Now go put on your Lime green leathers and go for a ride, so we can all have a good laugh.:laugh: