New Game: Old Garage Photo w/your XS

LOL Hay Yamadude ! glad no one took offence at that post .... re reading it.....I sounded horrible ! I meant no offence to anyone!
just kidding around.... no REALLY !
anyway....did you ever get that RD350 to scream ? last I remember you were puttering with it and trying to get it right.
.... not much bike work going on here.... I figure if I have to replace the crank on my XS650 i just as well get another it or not !
so I'll ride it till it brakes or trade it for a small dirt bike ! LOL have no fear I'll tell the people I deal with that their might be problems with the crank !
this winter has been a strange one.... so far just about 3 big storms have gone through.... and we've only got a dusting of snow so far !
man am I glad of that ! .....I hate snow , although it is one of natures most beautiful displays.... it's a bitch to do anything in !
i for one will be glad to see 80 degrees again !
for those interested in my scratch built table saw build I posted about it in the "lounge" here......
later !
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LOL Hay Yamadude ! glad no one took offence at that post .... re reading it.....I sounded horrible ! I meant no offence to anyone!
just kidding around.... no REALLY !
anyway....did you ever get that RD350 to scream ? last I remember you were puttering with it and trying to get it right.
.... not much bike work going on here.... I figure if I have to replace the crank on my XS650 i just as well get another it or not !
so I'll ride it till it brakes or trade it for a small dirt bike ! LOL have no fear I'll tell the people I deal with that their might be problems with the crank !
this winter has been a strange one.... so far just about 3 big storms have gone through.... and we've only got a dusting of snow so far !
man am I glad of that ! .....I hate snow , although it is one of natures most beautiful displays.... it's a bitch to do anything in !
i for one will be glad to see 80 degrees again !
for those interested in my scratch built table saw build I posted about it in the "lounge" here......
later !
No need to worry about offending anyone, anytime, Bob. We all know that you're too nice a guy to have such negative.motivations.
The RD is coming along. I'll give you an update in a short while, but someone just made me a nice plate of scrambled eggs and homefries, so that comes first......
One develops a thick skin and sense of humour on forums...or you dont survive.
I write what I write and no one is forced to read poor snowbound bastards would be glad to read something I would think.
Some US forums fade right away almost in in Oz its mighty hot
Thought this would more or less fit in here, :shrug:
Sunday, 30F with light snow falling, no motorcycle adventures planned so...
Wife wanted to go hiking, I get pretty bored plodding the same old trails over and over.
I have a USGS topo map printed out and hanging in basement,
DSCN8618.JPG pink dot is our place.
I noticed a cemetery marked in the middle of nowhere, not a road or driveway near, just a mile or two from our place, got the "look" from Allison but game on! Set off, kinda trespassing, through woods crossing creeks etc. fairly rugged wooded hills here. Just dead reckoned with the compass, about due east as terrain, creeks, brush, allowed. Checked our position a few times with the phone. We're thinking needle in a haystack when Allison saw "something" and veered a few hundred feet off our path.
rubbed on a bit of snow so the letters stood out better, some markers were hand chiseled in local natural shape quartz stone, others looked professionally engraved.
When we got back, found it online as visited in 2002, 5 stones, (we saw 6) deaths ranged from 1850 to 1863.
A good winter's afternoon tromp. There's another cemetery marked on that map.............


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I guess that graves are "old garages" for many of our ancestors.

I am reminded of Eric Sloane mentioning in his 1955 book, "Our Vanishing Landscape" that at the time those tombstones you found were carved, 90% of the land in the US was farmland (today it is 1%), and many families set aside little informal plots on the farm to bury their relatives.
One of his paintings:

It was 48 degrees and sunny here on Sunday, definitely riding weather, but I had a date, and we also hiked, around Clark's Gully near Naples, NY.

. .Very icy, in spots.

My enthusiasm for hiking energized, today I was out on the trails at Baltimore Woods, Marcellus. Also very icy. Despite having poles, I slipped and tumbled down a hill. Cuts and bruises minor. Pride also suffered a little damage.
Oh dang Dude - hope you're OK.

Thanks Pete. When I crashed my KLR out in the woods 3 years ago and shattered the right hip, the surgeon who installed the titanium screws into it said that my bone density is very good, which may have helped me avoid serious damage today, cuz I fell on my hip at first.
Today it will get up get up to 84 degrees! It's January for crying out loud! This is supposed to be the one month that is cold and rainy. We didn't get a drop of rain this month, the drought continues and every summer has been hotter than the last for a decade now. This is shaping up to be a long hot summer. I better get my riding in while I can!
Thanks Pete. When I crashed my KLR out in the woods 3 years ago and shattered the right hip, the surgeon who installed the titanium screws into it said that my bone density is very good, which may have helped me avoid serious damage today, cuz I fell on my hip at first.

Oh ouch! That sounds painful! Sorry to hear that!
There is a tombstone story in my childhood history.

I was about 6, and heading home from Ed. Smith Elementary School


which is near Syracuse University.

My brother, Peter, who is a year older than me, spotted an unusual, flat object at the edge of the backyard of a home adjoining the school, which is in an urban residential neighborhood. He called me over, and it was a tombstone, appearing to have been discarded by someone. Knowing that our father, who was an artist, was intrigued with old relics which he referred to as "found art", we ran home to tell him. He was obviously excited about our discovery, but for some reason waited until dusk to take action. "Jump in the car!" he told us, so we piled into the station wagon, the same way we had always done when fire engines went by the house. I think it was a Pontiac. He always bought Pontiacs; maybe you can tell:


I recall getting quite nervous as we pulled into the school parking lot, where we went over to inspect our find. My dad didn't say much, as I remember. He quickly dragged the tombstone over to the car, and made some sort of statement covering his ass, like, "Well, Boys, it seems to have been abandoned."

Once home with the treasure, we had one those episodes where I thought my mother was going to kill our dad. And she made us bring it back.
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Ice here too the recent warm weather melted snow that immediately refroze in every available dip in the ground. an inch of fluffy snow didn't help, went down once on hike, just pride hurt. Allison was super careful, just slipped, only three months out of shoulder surgery, trying to get ready for the Birkie 50K ski race.
Ice here too the recent warm weather melted snow that immediately refroze in every available dip in the ground. an inch of fluffy snow didn't help, went down once on hike, just pride hurt. Allison was super careful, just slipped, only three months out of shoulder surgery, trying to get ready for the Birkie 50K ski race.
This seems to be the solution to our tumbles, purchased on the way home from mine.
Walmart, $13.
