after market case covers

Don't sand it off, SHOW it off!

I've used Bernzomatic aluminum brazing rods to repair stuff, it works really well, melts at about 700F. Should be an easy job to fill in the Yamaha if you wanted to.

I prefer to keep the name. People love Norton's, Triumphs, BSA's etc because they were the bikes of their youth, and to them, they spell motorcycle. Well this is one of the bike's of my youth, and it spells motorcycle to me. Really, sometimes it amazes me how some people (not the o.p. or anyone on this site) think the Japanese have anything less to be proud of than the Brits, Italians, Germans, Americans or anyone else. They practically reinvented motorcycles 40 years ago and did a damn fine job of it.
Harley derby covers work, and there are a lot to choose from. You could even get one that says "Live to Ride" LOL

If you grind it off, be aware there won't be much material left-not much at all.

My favorite was a sweet Honda cafe racer where the guy welded/filled in some of the letters and made it read "HONAD". A huge amount of work just to tweak the few who would even notice it. :D


theres PLENTY of material left
Harley derby covers work, and there are a lot to choose from. You could even get one that says "Live to Ride" LOL

If you grind it off, be aware there won't be much material left-not much at all.

My favorite was a sweet Honda cafe racer where the guy welded/filled in some of the letters and made it read "HONAD". A huge amount of work just to tweak the few who would even notice it. :D


If it wouldn't require tools that I don't have or like 100 hours of hand time. I would make mine say JIMAHA just for the hell of it.
im gonna take mine off or cover them but heres why: being new to the xs world and putting as much work into mine as I as am, its gonna piss me off if someone walks up and says "nice bike" and then finds out its a yamaha and goes "Oh" and then walks away. if they think its cool then let em figure it out or maybe rethink their way of thinking after i make em guess a few times and then tell them. at least that way they will appreciate it for a minute before they find out its a "piece of shit jap bike". thats why IM going to do it. absolutely nothing to do with shame.
I think I understand the removal of "Yamaha" from the covers a little better now. When someone with no knowledge of these bikes walks by, and says something like "Nice Triumph" or "Nice BSA", you can have some fun with them and make them guess. Anyone who has been around bikes for a while such as the members on this or other forums, will just say "Nice Yamaha XS", depriving you of the guessing game. Seems like quite a lot of work just to have some fun with people of limited bike knowledge.

Why not go all the way and put something like "Triumph" or "Ducati" on the side of the tank. Just think about how long you could fool non bike people.

Its not 6 letters that spell Yamaha that make the bike a Yamaha. Its the bike itself, with all of its parts working together in harmony.
If its so important to *hide* your bikes origins and the fact it is a *yamaha* why not find a bike your not afraid to be seen riding and chop/customise that? Personally I could care less what others think of my ride... after all they dont have to ride it I do! But as somebody else said its your bike and your choice I just cant comprehend why...
the people who look at them and talk shit I can gaurentee half never lifted a finger to take on the challenge of building their own custom bike... They are the ones who think taht going to the local (name brand of choice) bike shop and buying some chome these and bolt on thats, thinks they customize their bike.. Who freakin cares what they think!!! Take pride in what you've done and own it!!
change of heart. im leaving the yamaha on mine in support of the current crisis in japan. im even gonna paint "its japanese...kiss my ass" on the side of the tank. i think you guys missed my point. id like to maybe help people stop judging bikes by where they were made. when did that start anyway and when did japan become a curse word? what, did world war 2 just end or some shit? wtf? its not about making people guess what it is for shits and grins or wishing and dreaming it was a triumph. if i wanted it to be a triumph it WOULD be a triumph. ive got the money to buy a triumph. i know guys build bikes for different reasons and i would be a liar if i said i didnt want mine to get as much attention as possible. ive ridden shit bikes all my life so i want this one to be different. i dont know. who fuckin cares right? if you dig it then why care about people that judge bikes by where they are assembled. as someone said, that is probably the type of person who thinks bolting chrome on is building a custom bike. or probably someone who has never even owned a bike. i know one thing...ive never known anyone that owned a harley that they actually rode more that to a bar on a weekend that didnt spent a lot more time then they probably wanted to wrenching it. and alot more money than they wanted to in the process. not harley hatin though. outside of sportbike circles jap bikes are probably never gonna get much respect. american bikes are cool. british bikes are cool. italian bikes are cool. german bikes are cool. jap bikes suck. go figure.
one more aside...not showing the yamaha logo to help change peoples perceptions of japenese bikes was what i meant in my original post. to force them to appreciate it while they figure it out. not make them guess because you wish it was a triumph. how that got spun into a bunch of smartass comments about taking toyota logos off and making people guess what your car is or being a bsa or triumph owner wannabe i dont know. guess i wasnt quite clear there. lots of guys have had their opinions changed about the little xs and jap chops and bobs in general by sites like this. whats the difference if someone sees an xs and cant figure out what it is for a minute at a gas station and walks away with a new appreciation for them after they find out? now if THAT gets spun out of context i got no more on the subject. its pretty crystal where im coming from there.
da evil one;

I'm glad to see you changed your mind. Japanese bikes in general and Yamaha in particular have made a really big contribution to the motorcycle world over the last 50 years or so. Yamaha has an outstanding record in motorcycle racing. If you remember the TZ750 and the Indy Mile with Kenny was so powerful, it was banned from competition.

Each year when I go to the local motorcycle show, Yamaha provides small off road bikes for kids around 8 to10 years old, to ride during the show. I don't see any other brand doing that. Probably the first time these kids ride a motorcycle.

The way I see it; if you enjoy wrenching and riding on these bikes, why would you not be proud to have the Yamaha name on your bike.

I drive a Toyota Camry, and I'm proud to have the name Toyota on my car. Its without doubt the best car I have ever driven.

Just the same, anyone who goes for that clean generic look, I'm OK with that too, and enjoy the ride:bike:
Let's just fight over who's footy team is best. or what constitutes football, Aussie rules football, soccer, rugby…..etc…….

I think some people are passionate, and proud about their bike being an XS, or Yam. Other's just love their bike and the work they put into it and couldn't care who made it cos it's a great bike.

Me personally I am building a custom bike and I love the XS but if it was built by BMW I would still love it…..just pob couldn't afford it!

I want to remove yamaha off the bike just because I want it looking cleaner. I am building the bike for me, to help me through a difficult part of my life, don't give a hoot what anyone thinks, when I get her finished I will be proud!……………

Just the same I don't care what nationality a chick is……………..if she is hot, she is hot! Wouldn't pretend she is not just cos she is a Jap! Same with a good bike it can be a heap of S… or a beauty! regardless of make.
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