
XS650 Member
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Fremont, CA
Hey some in doing a old school 70s chopper build with my '79 xs750 special and I'm looking for some advice on going about hitting a Harley front end or possibly a Springer.

Taking my time with this project given that it's a 750 but I'll be posting updates whenever I got the time.

I'm new to the site and any help would be appreciated
You’re working on a triple? I’ve seen XS650’s with front ends designed for HD a few times. I think there was an XS650 with an XS750 front end on it years ago.

Dunno about your particular front-end for a swap to the 750 triple, but these folks make various replacement stems (if needed) for various swaps (albeit usually inverted forks): Might be able to modify the existing HD stem to work (cut & thread)

AllBalls Racing does show a kit to convert the XS750 to HD FLH front ends So, if you're looking at springers, you'll want one for a Big Twin

Front-end swaps generally not for the faint of heart and often require welding and fab work -good luck with the project & keep us posted:thumbsup:
Thank you guys for such great feed back.

Hell yea!!!

So I was thinking a the other day that a springer might be too dicey for right now, but you never know I might just do it. I was more looking for a Sportster, shovel, or knuckle front end; whatever I can get my hands on honestly.

I don't plan on having a front brake for the first couple months after the bikes completely ready to go but I do plan on putting one on, then taking it off again. Sounds dumb but I wanna have my fun with it when I want and still have the ability to slap everything on and off when I please. It's not like it gonna be a commuter bike, but at the same time I still want to put down some miles on it after it's done.
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Dunno about your particular front-end for a swap to the 750 triple, but these folks make various replacement stems (if needed) for various swaps (albeit usually inverted forks): Might be able to modify the existing HD stem to work (cut & thread)

AllBalls Racing does show a kit to convert the XS750 to HD FLH front ends So, if you're looking at springers, you'll want one for a Big Twin

Front-end swaps generally not for the faint of heart and often require welding and fab work -good luck with the project & keep us posted:thumbsup:
So after looking through the list I really don't see any good HD front ends I'd wanna throw on my bike, but I did find a nice Springer from DNA with that classic wishbone + stabilizer. It's for a xs650 but I feel like I'll go through way less of a headache if I go this route. I'd just have to find a good 21" front wheel.
You’re working on a triple? I’ve seen XS650’s with front ends designed for HD a few times. I think there was an XS650 with an XS750 front end on it years ago.

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Yessir, it's the first I've ever worked on. And I'm sure it's going to be pretty unforgiving but with a beautiful turn out. I was thinking about putting one of those springers made for 650s, I think that'll it'll be a easy conversion.