1979 xs650, BBK from yamahaxs650.com, sent rocker box, head, cam out to shop for rebuild/surfacing and porting to match 750 kit. Stock cam, all i wanted was a nice, mild build to putz around on. HHB PMA and capacitor, kick only, mikes xs charge (red) ignition, VM34's from TCBros, everything is new on this build. Spent extra time gapping rings- Top- .008”, second- .010”, oil rails- .008-010”, expander- no gap, skirt clearance was .002-.003". New cam chain with type D tensioner and I guess thats where I'll start with possible questions, new chain is super tight, I dont want to over tighten with tensioner so its backed out a bit from flush for initial start up/testing, if its too tight would that make the engine work harder and get hot? Second question- Are my ring gaps wrong? I got info from here and the actual seller. Third question- I've had issues with the mikes ignitions before. It seems to be firing/working correctly but the pickup is maxed out (advanced) but my timing light is reading just a touch retarded from FIRE mark/ right where it should be. Is my light screwed up? Should i trust this ignition? haha It runs great, except rich bc i'm nervous about this whole deal. What else could be going on? I have oil going to top end BTW. Thank you in advance everyone!