Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence?

I've never understood this concern over being tracked/watched. I really don't care if someone/anyone is watching/tracking me. I suppose if I was a bank robber I would be concerned.
So, big brother knows where I am, knows what I do, knows what I buy, knows how much I make, knows how much I spend, I just don't have a problem with that. Can someone please explain what the problem is???
An example on how companies use your data to track personal situations. In one case a girl got pregnant, the father went into the store to complain about bombarded baby advertisements to her because she was in school. turns out she was pregnant but hadn't told her father....................The girl had every right to her privacy and not have been put in that situation.
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I've never understood this concern over being tracked/watched. I really don't care if someone/anyone is watching/tracking me. I suppose if I was a bank robber I would be concerned.
So, big brother knows where I am, knows what I do, knows what I buy, knows how much I make, knows how much I spend, I just don't have a problem with that. Can someone please explain what the problem is???
No problem at all as long as you and government will always agree completely about how you lead your life.
Gary has put it succinctly. It's perfectly ok for 'them' to know all about you, what you spend your money on, who you visit, which web sites you visit and everything else as long as you 'behave' yourself and do whatever they think you should do. And nothing else. 'Them' shorthand for Govt, Big Business, Police and others.

You don't even have to believe that Govt has bad intentions. Why shouldn't a well-meaning state be interested in what food you buy, not too much high calorie, high-fat rubbish, not too much alcohol and as for cigarettes . . . and on that topic, aren't they entitled to know all about your past, present and future health conditions? You don't want to be a burden - 'they' certainly don't want you to. And what about legal weapons, spare ammunition, political donations, memberships of organisations. Some countries take a close interest even if you join a church.

And some countries don't pretend put your 'freedom' first. Women can be arrested, beaten up, even murdered for not dressing according to some zealous dress code they have no say in. Hold contrary political views and it might be best to make a swift exit - unless 'they' see you trying to buy a ticket and revoke your passport. Only in dodgy parts of the World? Don't be too sure that governments closer to home aren't interested in what we are doing.

And even if there is no reason for them to be interested in your data - because you're a good boy - there is a strong temptation for them to collect the data ready for when they do decide to use it. As the adage goes, what can't be measured can't be managed.
The problem is, it not the govt who are leading the drive for AI. We need them to regulate for controls as to how it can b used.

China has implemented AI into the masses with algarhythems, and facial recognition survelence in public, ( way worse than CCTV in the US and UK). They are using the carrot and stick approach to control, using information on people doing good things where they get rewards, but if found to do naughty/bad things, (could b something as inoculous as saying they don't like something the govt has implemented, to a neighber who informs on them), travel out of their home area is prohibited and access to their money is monitored.

BBC has just aired the second series revolving around an AI program that undermines the political system. China is the bogy man in the series but what happens isn't out of the realms of possibility if restraints by govts aren't put into place.

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Fully agree Skull that we need govts to put controls in place.

But there are questions about how that will be managed, how will the powers that be decide what measures are needed, will they have to rely on poachers to tell them where the gamekeepers ought to be looking, will they see cheap and convenient ways to extend government interests, will they even be competent to develop and enact helpful controls?

And there's the question whether the pace of AI simply sidesteps national governments. Too late to put the genie back in the bottle if new advances have been brought forward by private corporations or foreign powers.
New car; On my phone I can see everywhere the car has gone, With a date and time stamped map for each trip segment, ign on to ign off. It also provides an "aggressive driving" incident score. (harsh corner, hard throttle, harsh braking with totals of each type of event) Just told my wife about this "feature". I was in Kentucky last week and could see everywhere she went in the car while I was gone. 'Course that means Toyota and any government entity that has a "pressing need" can see it also.
New car; On my phone I can see everywhere the car has gone, With a date and time stamped map for each trip segment, ign on to ign off. It also provides an "aggressive driving" incident score. (harsh corner, hard throttle, harsh braking with totals of each type of event) Just told my wife about this "feature". I was in Kentucky last week and could see everywhere she went in the car while I was gone. 'Course that means Toyota and any government entity that has a "pressing need" can see it also.
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I think that is a bit much. But it could be handy if the car was stolen.
New car; On my phone I can see everywhere the car has gone, With a date and time stamped map for each trip segment, ign on to ign off. It also provides an "aggressive driving" incident score. (harsh corner, hard throttle, harsh braking with totals of each type of event) Just told my wife about this "feature". I was in Kentucky last week and could see everywhere she went in the car while I was gone. 'Course that means Toyota and any government entity that has a "pressing need" can see it also.
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And your insurance company
And your insurance company
My insurance company uses that data with permission to offer a discount. They make it significant.
My most recent previous employer enforced a penalty on smokers to be in the company healthcare plan. More of this stuff is going to come eventually.
I've never understood this concern over being tracked/watched. I really don't care if someone/anyone is watching/tracking me. I suppose if I was a bank robber I would be concerned.
So, big brother knows where I am, knows what I do, knows what I buy, knows how much I make, knows how much I spend, I just don't have a problem with that. Can someone please explain what the problem is???

The problem is that law enforcement or conformist pressure is not Unbiased it is the people up there that are tracking the one belov.
Every government since the Garden of Eden have had a police force
Pinochet / Stalin / Mussolini / Hitler the more information the power have the more people can get hurt ..

When I was in my 20 ies I knew a man living off the grid .He had to many children with different women who all wanted Child support
If he took a WHite job with contract and Tax bill .The authorities would take most if not all Money from him
I am not saying he should not pay or that the children did not needed support .

He drove long haul trucks to Saudi Arabia getting cash money in a Brown envelope .. behind the garage

He would have been dead at lot sooner .if he could not figure out that way to live..He was harassed then also .The authorities coming for visits
Wondering how he supported himself

We should not talk politics here but it is a well known fact that some Political views are not accepted by the ruling classes
In my 20 ies there was the DDR East germany and West germany

Being a communist in West -Fired .. at times

Being a Fascist in the East wow then we are talking dangerous information out. There

Here today .Right wing extremists have difficulties I am not saying if it is right or wrong but information about other people
Economy / Sexaula prefernces / Political views

Lists with Jews and Gypsies is made Those exists
Al the Mercs outside the Synagogue .A check with the vehicle registry and Voila the list is ready
..when politics go wrong they are loaded and transported Sonderbehandlung
With a top down society it does not take many people to decide a mans fate Boss fires / Police harass / Bank closes the Mortgage
On Friday 2 week we want our money back Thanks

What can you do .. And where can you protest game over

When I did military service we had a revolutionary Communist who had a high profile he in some ways had it coming
the group I belonged to was ordered to keeping order at a dance
Had we not saved the communist he would have been thoroughly beaten by 3 men
Officer trainees
2 from behind locking the arms and one from front using solar plexus as the heavy bag in Boxing.
NO sign they would stop any time soon until we ran there Intervened

They ran away since their military careers would have been non existent if they stayed around
Fat , drunk and stupid computers? 😄
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Perhaps not related but Do you have the touch screen routine buying hamburgers .
I think it was this summer I was at Mc Donalds standing in something i believed was A line for ordering the Big Mc Meal
I Dont buy Burgers -- expensive poor nutrition The Kid told me here was the touch screen system
You can order there I went back looking at the screen I never figured it out . I dont have any fancy mobile phones and whatnot

Stod there for a while scratching my head trying to figure it out Wondering what was wrong with the old system throw out a big Mac and company + Coke Why the rocket science all of a suddden .. why am i standing here with a computer technological problem . Correct me if I am wrong but burgers has been thrown out since the 50 ies at least lost my temper a bit .This is a restaraunt why am I supposed to do the work for this expensive junk food.
Went back to the other line told the kid If you can sell , me the meal Here I go for that Otherwise I am Outta here .
He fixed it nothing bad to say about the young people employees Never ( Burger flippers )

My point is why try to complicate everything Same routine at Burger King i did not notice the screens on my way in but there was no debate I could order and get it there .
Many elderly +50 want to pay cash and speak to someone They will loose those customers and in these days I dont think they have to many customers These 50 + customers can have more money to spend