The thread w.o a title...


XS650 Enthusiast
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I was wondering if it made sense to have a list of people and what they can do? Perhaps by city/region and any skills they'd be willing to teach/share for a few bucks. I don't see this as the vendor thread. I'd like to benefit from/the group here whenever I could.

As for me: I weld and paint things here in D/FW. I have an XS650 parts stash that I trade and sell from.
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It sounds like Big Jimmies thread on locations and help list, but Jimmies thread is not for profit, just to help folks while they travel. Places to stop and fix, or just visit and bullshit about bikes.
A second list like that but with money involved should be in the vendors section. Not nessarily a bad Idea, I have thought about using my van and trailer as a traveling repair service. The only thing I might charge is room and board while I'm there. If they wanted to throw in some cash for travling expences would be strickly voluntary.