"Unplanned Dismantling"


This is what 29,000,000 footpounds of thrust looks like.
Astrobotic Technology are not the first to discover that rocket science has a very expensive learning curve. I suppose you've got a complicated system where any one of a large number of things failing for any reason means game over.

Once again, Mrs took the opportunity to suggest that space exploration is a huge waste of money. This time I said, OK, what would you spend that money on instead? No answer supplied as yet . . .
Once again, Mrs took the opportunity to suggest that space exploration is a huge waste of money. This time I said, OK, what would you spend that money on instead? No answer supplied as yet . . .

Sooner or later a life ending event will occur on Mother Earth... next year... a hundred years from now... 10,000yrs.
If we never learn to get off this planet, at will and at scale, it will be a humanity ending event as well.
Ya gotta start somewheres...
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